Operating and Maintenance Instructions –
4. Set the HA9 attenuator to 0 dB attenuation.
5. Using the power meter, measure the power going to the channel being tested.
6. Using the SWS software, set the system to insertion loss mode and polarization mode 0.
Perform a zero loss measurement.
7. Increase the attenuation on the HA9 attenuator by 5 dB.
8. Using the SWS software, acquire a scan.
9. Double-click the left mouse button at 1550 nm to measure the insertion loss.
10. Record the HA9 attenuation and the measured insertion loss.
11. Repeat Steps 7 through Step 10, until the attenuation reaches 65 dB.
12. From the measured insertion losses, compute the error at each attenuation level.
13. Verify that the measured errors fall within the limits specified for all attenuation levels. See
the SWS optical specifications in the
section (Table 5).
14. If the errors are larger than specified, perform power calibration on the channel.
Calibrating Power
Calibrate the power scale for each receiver detector channel once a year or more often if the
power measurements are suspect. This procedure takes approximately 10 minutes for each
channel. Calibration requires the same equipment and setup as for verification.
To calibrate the power:
1. Using the software, select the System menu, choose the Calibration option, and the Power
Calibration tab. The Power Calibration window appears (Figure 95).
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