194 – Reference
A trace, displayed on the
screen, shows very large
insertion loss at all
Repeat insertion loss measurement:
Verify that the proper channel has been selected.
Disconnect the DUT that is connected to the
Acquire a zero loss reference again.
Reconnect the DUT.
Repeat the measurement.
If insertion loss remains large, perform a reference
and measure for insertion loss again.
If the problem persists, call the local JDS Uniphase
representative or the service hotline.
The characteristic
wavelength of a known
device seems to be
measured incorrectly.
Check wavelength accuracy:
Check the wavelength calibration of the tunable
laser source at 1520 nm and 1575 nm, using a
standard wave meter.
If the calibration error is greater than 200 pm,
recalibrate the laser source.
Verify wavelength accuracy using the built-in
acetylene cell.
If known lines are off by more than 3 pm, recalibrate
the system for wavelength (see the Error!
Reference source not found.
Check the calibration by looking at several known
Save the old and new calibrations.
Run the SWS15100 program and measure a
known device.
If the power levels are not correct, measure the
power levels at critical points, such as input to the
receiver control module and input to the device. The
correct power levels are >-12 dBm and >-15 dBm.
Compute the loss through the control module; the
correct loss is
3 dB.
If the control module is within specification, clean all
connectors and try another device.
If the problem persists, call the local JDS Uniphase
representative. Repair of the control module is
(table continued)
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