2.7 Prefix Table
Factory Settings: All prefixes available as per extensions category defined in
programming category for external calls.
This programming allows you to release or totally block some prefixes for certain
extensions category.
You can program prefixes with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 digits. Allowing for a maximum of:
23 prefixes with 03 digits; 11 prefixes with 04 digits; 07 prefixes with 05 digits and
05 prefixes with 06 digits.
Programming all prefixes at once.
Lift handset, press
MAIN PASSWORD (3 digits) +
TIME TABLE (0, 1 or 2), wait for confirmation tone.
Programming a predetermined prefix
Lift handset, press
MAIN PASSWORD (3 digits) +
TIME TABLE (0, 1 or 2) + PREFIX, wait for confirmation tone.
6 release the prefixes for extension with category: local, regional, DDD and IDD;
7 release the prefixes for extension with category: local, regional, DDD and IDD,
blocking for local category;
8 release the prefixes for extension with category: local, regional, DDD and IDD,
blocking for local and regional category;
9 release the prefixes for extension with category: local, regional, DDD and IDD,
blocking for local, regional and DDD category;
0 block prefixes for all extensions regardless of category.
0 Programmed prefix does not use the carriers time table;
1 Programmed prefix uses time table 1 (requires tone detection board);
2 Programmed prefix uses time table 2 (requires tone detection board);
* You want an extension with local category to have access to only prefixes 33 and
34 and the other extensions to have access as defined in programming category for
outgoing calls
To do so, perform the following :
- In PABX programming mode, press 55 + 7 + 0 to block the extensions with local
access, releasing the access to extensions with category; regional, DDD and IDD
to all prefixes. With this program setting, the prefixes DDD and IDD will also be
available for extensions with regional category, knowing, you should release DDD
prefixes only for extensions with DDD category by pressing 55 + 8 + 0 + 0, and
release IDD prefixes only for extensions IDD category by pressing 55 + 9 + 0 + 00;
- Finally, press 55 + 6 + 0 + 33 (to release prefix 33) and 55 + 6 + 0+ 34 ( to release
prefixo 34). In this case only prefix 33 and 34 will be released for the extensions with
For the PABX to
analyse the
programmed table,
you need to carry
out the
programming steps
in 2.6.1.
It is not possible to
use both
programmings for
the same prefix.
To use the time
table, you require
the tone detection
board. See how to
install the board in
29.7 and how to
program the time
tables in 36.