Development Tools User’s Guide
IXP2400/IXP2800 Network Processors
Microengine C Compiler
Selects the alternative storage areas ("spill regions") chosen when
variables cannot be allocated to general-purpose or transfer registers:
(LM=local memory, NN=next neighbor registers)
n=0: LM (most preferred) -> NN -> SRAM (least preferred)
n=1: NN->LM->SRAM
n=2: NN only; halt if not enough NN
n=3: LM only; halt if not enough LM
n=4: NN->LM; halt if not enough LM or NN
n=5: LM->NN; halt if not enough LM or NN
n=6: SRAM only
n=7: No spill; halt if any spilling required
n=8: LM->SRAM
Default is n=0. The user must set -Qnn_mode=1 to use the NN
registers as a spill region. If the NN registers are used by program
code, NN spilling will be automatically disabled.
Changes the behavior of -uc by not calling uca to assemble the
compiler produced assembly code. Only valid when combined with -uc
Mixing C and microcode programming. Under this option, you can
compile one or more C files as well as one or more microcode files into
one application. The compiler compiles all C files into one microcode
file, then sends this microcode file as well as other microcode files to
UCA to produce a list file.
-Wn n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Warning level.
0=print only errors
1, 2, 3=print only errors and warnings
4=print errors, warnings, and remarks.
Defaults to 1.
Produces debug information. The compiler generates a file with a .dbg
extension for each source.
Table 8. Supported uccl CLI Option Switches (Continued) (Sheet 4 of 4)