[SNMPv3 - User name]
The user name of SNMPv3 will be set.
Number of input characters: 1 to 32
Characters that cannot be input: half-width symbols
" " ", " & ", " : ", " ; ", "¥"
[SNMPv3 - Authentication method]
Select the authentication method of SNMPv3 from
[SNMPv3 - Encryption method]
Select the encryption method of SNMPv3 from DES/
[SNMPv3 - Password]
Set the password of SNMPv3.
For the password, use three or more types of
characters from upper- and lowercase alphabetic
characters, numbers, and symbols. Set a password
which does not include the user name.
Number of input characters:
- When the authentication method is MD5: 8 to 16
- When the authentication method is SHA1: 8 to 20
Characters that cannot be input: half-width symbols
" " ", " & "
[System name]
Enter a name (up to 255 alphanumeric characters) for
management of the recorder
by the SNMP system.
Characters that cannot be input: half-width symbols
" " "
Example: No1
Enter a location where the recorder is installed. (up to
255 alphanumeric characters)
Characters that cannot be input: half-width symbols
" " "
Example: 2F
Enter the contact information such as a mail address
of an administrator of this recorder.
(up to 255 alphanumeric characters)
Characters that cannot be input: half-width symbols
" " "
[Setup via recorder's main monitor]