To copy with password protection, mark the
corresponding checkbox and enter a password. (5 to
8 alphanumeric characters) The password will be
required to play back the copied data.
[Data size]
When the [Measurement] button is clicked, size of the
data to be copied will be displayed.
The remaining capacity of the destination medium
(external storage device) will be displayed.
Step 4
When the [OK] button is clicked, the confirmation
window will be displayed. Then click the [OK] button
on the displayed confirmation window.
The data copy window will close. Copying will
start and the "COPY" icon will be displayed in the
status display area. When copying is complete,
the "COPY" icon will disappear.
• When copying to an external storage device is
being performed, do not disconnect the external
storage device. Otherwise the data stored on the
external storage device could be lost.
• When the copy end time is set earlier than the
start time, copying will not start even when the
[OK] button is clicked.
• When copy medium lacks enough storage space,
data will be copied until the copy medium is full.
Use a medium with sufficient storage capacity to
avoid left over data that is not copied.
• Copying will be performed in the following order:
Viewer Software
Audio Depending
on the designated time range for copying and the
remaining space of the storage medium, images
and audio may not be copied.
• When clicking the button in the [Copy] box during
copying, the confirmation window for cancellation
of the current copying will be displayed. It is
possible to cancel the current copying on this
• Do not turn off the power of the recorder while
copy is in progress. If the power is turned off while
copying, the storage media copied on will become
• Recorded images (data) of up to 1 million can be
copied onto the external device connected to the
copy port "COPY". However, it is impossible to
copy any more data exceeding these limits even
when there is a sufficient remaining capacity.
• When another user operating the recorder has
opened the copy panel or when the destination
medium has been selected by another user, the
copy window cannot be displayed.
• When the web browser is closed during the
copying process, the process will be stopped. Do
not close the web browser during the copying
[Operation via PC web browser]