d color:
Red background color indicates that a critical alarm is
as shown in
Bright gray background color indicates that no critical
alarm is generated,
as shown in
If the teamwork networking is successful, the teamwork icon is green. If the teamwork
networking fails, the teamwork icon is red. If the teamwork networking is disabled, the
teamwork icon is gray.
Follow-up Procedure
After you have completed the teamwork settings, check that the teamwork
networking is successful by performing the following steps:
1. Check that the number of devices in the topology is the same as the actual
number of devices.
If yes, go to
If no, check the cable connection and the teamwork settings.
2. Check that the number of the running devices in the topology is the same as
the actual number of devices.
If yes, go to
If no, check the cable connection and the teamwork settings.
3. Check that the number of backup devices in the topology is the same as the
actual number of devices.
If yes, go to
If no, check the cable connection and the teamwork settings.
4. Check that the number of online devices in the topology is the same as the
actual number of devices.
If yes, the check is complete.
If no, check the cable connection and the teamwork settings.
6.4.4 Setting Communications Parameters
FusionCol8000-E240 Modular Indirect Evaporative
Cooling System
User Manual
6 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 02 (2021-04-15)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.