HLP-NV Series
HLP-NV Series
changes direction of rotation; it does
not activate start function. Select
Both directions [2] in par. 4.10.
0 = normal, 1 = reversing.
[11] Start reversing
Use for start/stop and for reversing at
the same time. Signals on start [8] are
not allowed at the same time.
0 = stop, 1 = start reversing.
[12] Enable start forward
Use if motor shaf t must rot ate
clockwise at start.
[13] Enable start reverse
Use if motor shaf t must rot ate
counterclockwise at start.
[14] Jog Use for activating jog speed. See par. C03.11.
[16] Preset ref bit 0
Preset ref bit 0, 1 and 2 enables a
choice between one of the eight preset
references according to the table
[17] Preset ref bit 1
Same as preset ref bit 0 [16], see par.
[18] Preset ref bit 2
Same as preset ref bit 0 [16].
[19] Freeze reference
Freeze actual reference. The frozen
reference is now the point of enable/
condition for Speed up and Speed
down to be used. If Speed up/down
is used, speed change always follows
ramp 2 (par. C03.51 and C03.52)
in the range par. C03.02 Minimum
Reference - par. C03.03 Maximum
[20] Freeze output
Freeze the actual motor frequency
(Hz). The frozen motor frequency is
now the point of enable/condition for
Speed up and Speed down to be used.
If Speed up/down is used, the speed
change always follows ramp 2 in the
range par. C04.12, Motor Speed Low
Limit - par. C04.14, Motor Speed
High Limit
When freeze output is active, the frequency
converter cannot be stopped via a low Start [8] signal.
Stop the frequency converter via a terminal programmed for Coasting
Inverse [2] or Coast and reset, inverse [3].