Press [3] key (TOOL1-2 OFFSET ADJ.).
TOOL 1-2 OFFSET ADJ. settng screen s dsplayed.
Press [1] key (TEST PATTERN).
The followng message s dsplayed.
Press ( ) key (CANCEL) to return to Adjust
the space between tools 1 and 2 settng
screen wthout changng any settngs.
Press the [FAST] key and the POSITION key
smultaneously to move the tool carrage
Press the POSITION (
) keys to move the tool
carrages to the poston to cut a test pattern.
Be sure to move t nsde of a plottng range greater than 50
mm on both the X and Y axes.
Confirm the position of tool, and then press [ENTER] key.
Plot a "+" sgn wth the pen plunger (tool 1).
Next, plot a "+" sgn wth the cutter plunger (tool 2).
The settngs screen for adjustng the space between tools 1 and 2 wll
be dsplayed after the plottng s completed.
Measure how much the "+" cut wth the cutter plunger (Tool 2)
s out of algnment wth the reference "+" plotted wth the pen
plunger (Tool 1). (For example, in the following figure, input
X = +a mm and Y = -b mm, snce t's out of algnment n the
negatve X-axs and the postve Y-axs)
"+" drawn wth cutter
plunger (Tool 2)
"+" drawn wth pen
plunger (Tool 1)
X mm
Y mm