ViscoSite VL800 Viscometer
Operating Manual
ViscoSite VL800 Viscometer
Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (978) 848--2701
Operating Manual Rev: 2.0E
Toll-Free: 1 (866) 252-8470
Page 15 of 132
1 Introduction to the ViscoSite VL800 Viscometer
1.1 Contents
This manual contains the following information:
Section 1
Introduction to the ViscoSite VL800 Viscometer presents
introductory information about this manual, the viscometer, and
the principle of operation.
Section 2
System Components discusses the design of the major
components of the system.
Section 3
Receipt, Unpacking, Proper Handling, and Installation describes
unpacking the analyzer, installing it in the facility, and interfacing
it with other devices.
Section 4
Transmitter Configuration Using the Keypad and LCD Screen
provides step-by-step directions for setting up the transmitter
operating and display configurations via the on-board front
keypad and LCD screen.
Section 5
Transmitter Configuration Using the ViscoSite Software for PC
provides an introduction to the ViscoSite Software for PC, with
step-by-step directions for setting up the transmitter
’s operatin
and display configurations using the ViscoSite PC Software via
local or remote connection to the transmitter.
Section 6
Preventative Maintenance outlines steps that should be taken on a
periodic basis to ensure continued long-term operation of the
ViscoSite VL800 Viscometer.
Section 7
Troubleshooting the ViscoSite VL800 Viscometer highlights
commonly observed challenges which may arise when using the
ViscoSite VL800 Viscometer and possible solutions.
Section 8
System Diagrams provides diagrams to assist the operator with
interfacing auxiliary components to the transmitter.
Section 9
Technical Specifications provides the specifications for the system.
Section 10
Spare Parts provides a list of items which may be required to
maintain operation of the system.
Section 11
Modbus Registers outlines the Modbus register configuration for
the ViscoSite transmitter to aid in the configuration of Modbus
communications to a computer.