6. Use and maintenance
6.4.4 Windshield washer fluid
and wiper blade
Add windshield washer fluid
If the washer fluid level is found to be too
low, add the washer fluid into the reservoir
in time.
● Never use soapy water or other
antifreezes to replace washer fluid,
otherwise it may cause markings on the
paint surface of the vehicle.
● Do not mix the windshield washer fluid
with other washing liquids, otherwise it
will cause the washer fluid components
to decompose and block the windshield
washer nozzle.
● Be careful when working in the
engine compartment. Be sure to
carefully read and follow the relevant
warning instructions before starting
● Do not mistakenly use coolant or any
other additives as the windshield
washer fluid, otherwise it will leave
oil stains on the windshield when
cleaning the windshield, which will
affect the vision and easily cause
● It is forbidden to use windshield
washer fluid with ethanol content
e x c e e d i n g 1 0 % . U n d e r h i g h
temperature environment, this type
of windshield washer fluid will have
corrosion effect on lamps and lead to
lamp cracking. Methanol washer fluid
is recommended.