A single lane is always shown for each articulation, regardless of whether you have mapped the articulation to a MIDI key or not.
If an articulation does not exist in the slot’s currently loaded kit-piece, its name is greyed out and a [!] indicator is shown to the left
of the mute and solo buttons.
While in expanded mode, clicking the button again returns to collapsed mode.
When in collapsed mode, you can edit the kit-piece’s events. Any new events you add are created on the first articulation for that
kit-piece. For full control over editing a kit-piece’s events, it’s recommended that you expand its lane to show all articulation lanes
before adding new events.
Mute and Solo buttons
Each kit-piece and all its individual articulations have a mute and solo button. It is therefore possible to mute and solo the events
of the whole kit-piece, or individual articulations.
Mutes override solos: if a kit-piece is muted, none of its articulations’ events are heard, irrespective of their solo status.
Events are shown as ‘diamonds’
on each articulation lane: these
are ‘one-shot’ triggers. There is
no way of controlling the duration
of events – triggered sounds
play until they decay naturally.
However, manual choke events
or other articulations of the same
kit-piece can be used to stop the
decay of a sound. Also remem-
ber that other parameters like
damping affect the decay of a
High velocity hits are darker in colour than soft velocity hits.
Selected events are larger than other events.
Muted events are shown as solid white. These do not produce any sound until they are unmuted again.
Ruler and Groove length
The ruler at the top of the grid shows a timeline in bars and beats.
The end of the Groove is represented by the Groove End marker.
Changing the length of Grooves
To change the length of a Groove, click and drag the Groove End marker left or right. The
cursor changes to a horizontal arrow.
Click and drag at the right edge of the ruler to increase the Groove length beyond the cur-
rent workspace. You may need to decrease the current zoom level in order to set the desired
length more easily.
Release the mouse button at the desired point to set the Groove length.
Note that Grooves must always be a whole number of bars long.
Groove End