Relative Heading @ CPA
This is the heading at the closest point of approach and should not be
confused with an initial heading.
Relative ALT @ CPA
Positive numbers mean the threat will pass over the ownship, negative
numbers means the threat will pass below the ownship.
Distance @ CPA
Positive numbers mean the threat will pass by the ownship’s right wing, negative
numbers mean the threat will pass by the left wing.
Threat Speed
The instructor must enter in reasonable numbers based upon the selected Threat
Threat Vertical Closure Rate
This will be greyed out when Threat Vertical start position is level.
Otherwise, it is the rate-of-climb/decent of the threat depending on whether DESCEND FROM
ABOVE or CLIMB FROM BELOW is selected.
Figure 3-72. Manual Threat
TM-3-B 737-IOS1-007
B 737
JAN 2001