Festo — MSE6-C2M — 2022-08b
Module parameter: auto-control delay time
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 17 (low byte)
4828 + m * 64 + 18 (high byte)
m = module number 0
Time in minutes after which an uninterrupted underrun of the auto-control flow
rate limit value parameter value switches to the expired state, UP, in the auto-
matically controlled blocking operating mode, Am.0.1 = 1, of the Q_low-Timer.
With the auto enable active output, Am.0.5 = 1, the energy efficiency module
automatically switches to the blocking state.
2-byte value: low byte + 256 * high byte
Default: 10, low byte = 10; high byte = 0
Permissible values: 0 … 65535
Changes to the parameter value are always effective immediately. With an
expired Q_low-Timer, i.e. status Q_low-Timer = 2, UP, extending the delay time
no longer affects the status. In other words, there is no status change from UP
to RUN.
Tab. 61: Auto-control delay time module parameter
Module parameter: auto-control flow rate limit value
Function number
4828 + m * 64 + 19
4828 + m * 64 + 20
m = module number 0
Flow rate limit value that must be underrun in the automatically controlled
blocking operating mode, Am.0.1 = 1, on an uninterrupted basis for the par-
ameterised duration of the auto-control delay time, Pm.17-18, so the Q_low-
Timer switches to the expired status, UP. With the auto enable active output,
Am.0.5 = 1, the energy efficiency module automatically switches to the blocking
2-byte value: low byte + 256 * high byte
Default: 0, low byte = 0; high byte = 0
Permissible values: 0 … 32767
Changes to the parameter value are always effective immediately. If the
shut-off valve is already in the automatic blocking state, i.e. module
status = AUTO_SHUTOFF, Em.8-11 = 11, this status will not change if there
is a change to the flow rate limit value.
If parameter monitoring is active, Pm.0.7, invalid values will result in parameter-
isation error FN29
Tab. 62: Auto-control flow rate limit value module parameter