Festo — MSE6-C2M — 2022-08b
2. Set the parameters for the automatic pressure control function and blocking function.
Additional tolerances and safety additions must be taken into account during parameterisation.
The module must be in the user-controlled blocking operating mode, Am.0.1 = 0, for parameter-
isation and the automatic shut-off valve controller must be deactivated, Am.0.5 = 0.
This ensures that the Q_low-Timer is reset for activating the automatic blocking function and
the shut-off valve does not unintentionally switch to the blocking state.
Set the auto-control delay time parameter, Pm.17-18. Set a higher value than the actual produc-
tion pause time to prevent unwanted blocking during production operation, e.g. to 10 min.
Set the auto-control flow rate limit value parameter, Pm.19-20. The parameter value must be
greater than the maximum flow rate for production downtime than the minimum flow rate in
production operation.
In the example, a parameter value between 90 … 240l /min can be set.
3. Activate the automatic pressure control and blocking function.
When switching to the automatic pressure control and blocking operation by setting the output,
Am.0.1 = 1, and reset of the Q_low-Timer reset function by Am.0.2 = 0 the parameterised flow
rate monitoring by the Q_low-Timer is started.
The Q_low-Timer status is indicated at input Em.3.4-3.5. When Q_low-Timer has expired, the
automatic pressure control and blocking function with blocking of the supply air and subse-
quent regulation to the auto standby setpoint pressure is set if the auto-enable control output
is set, Am.0.5 = 1. This means that unexpected blocking of the supply air and reduction of the
outlet pressure when Q_low-Timer expires is prevented.
If the flow rate of the system exceeds the set auto-control flow rate limit value when output
Am.0.5 is not yet set, the Q_low-Timer is reset. The auto-control delay time restarts. It con-
tinues to regulate to the auto normal setpoint pressure, even if the auto-enable output control
is set, Am.0.5 = 1.
As soon as the module is in the AUTO_SHUTOFF state, shut-off state, or AUTO_STANDBY state,
control to pressure setpoint auto standby, only the user can exit this state.
4. Switch the module from the blocking state, AUTO_SHUTOFF, or auto standby pressure regulation
state, AUTO_STANDBY, back to the auto normal pressure regulation state.
The Q_low-Timer status is UP, Em.3.4-3.5 = 2, and the module status is AUTO_SHUTOFF,
Em.3.8-3.11 = 11, or AUTO_STANDBY, Em.3.8-3.11 = 12.
To switch to the AUTO_NORMAL auto normal pressure regulation state, Em.3.8-3.11 = 8, the
Q_low-Timer reset output must be reset first, Am.0.2 = 1, and then reset again, Am.0.2 = 0.
5. Check the set values over multiple production cycles.
Changes to system parameters can lead to a change in the determined production data.
• If necessary, check whether the set parameter values are still valid.
The current module status at any time can be tracked in input Em.3.8-3.11. The status of the
Q_low-Timers in input Em.3.4-3.5 and the switching position of the shut-off valve in input Em.3.0.