Festo — MSE6-C2M — 2022-08b
DIL switch 1.1
Setting operating mode
DIL 1.1: ON
Not supported.
The 1.1 DIL switch element must be in the OFF position.
Tab. 35: Setting the operating mode with DIL switch 1.1
DIL switch 1.2
Setting the protocol
DIL 1.2: OFF
Factory setting
‘EtherNet/IP’ protocol.
The energy efficiency module uses the ‘EtherNet/IP’ protocol.
DIL 1.2: ON
Protocol ‘Modbus TCP’
The energy efficiency module uses the ‘Modbus TCP’ protocol.
Tab. 36: Setting the protocol with DIL switch 1.2
Setting diagnostic mode, DIL switch 2
DIL switch 2
Setting diagnostic mode
DIL 2.1: OFF
DIL 2.2: OFF
Factory setting
‘I/O diagnostics interface’ and status bits are switched off, + 0 byte
I/0 byte O.
DIL 2.1: OFF
DIL 2.2: ON
The status bits are on, + 1 byte I/0 byte O
DIL 2.1: ON
DIL 2.2: OFF
The ‘I/O diagnostics interface’ is switched on, + 2 bytes I/2 byte
DIL 2.1: ON
DIL 2.2: ON
Reserved for future extensions.
1) The status bits occupy 1 byte address space, 8 I bits
2) The I/O diagnostics interface occupies 4 bytes address space, 16 I and 16 O bits
Tab. 37: Setting diagnostic mode using DIL switch 2
Set IP addressing, DIL switch 3
DIL switches 3.1 … 3.8 are used to set the type of addressing or the IP address of the energy efficiency