Product description
Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 2017-05c – English
Target recognition
The characteristics when the target position (target recognition) are reached depends on the final
Target recognition
Behaviour after target recognition:
End speed = 0
The actual position is
in the target window
for the parameterised
damping time.
Open-loop operation: the actuator remains at the target position and is
maintained in position with the predefined holding current until the
subsequent record starts.
Closed-loop operation: the actuator stops at the target position in re
sponse to position control until the next record starts
End velocity ≠ 0 (with record sequencing)
The actual position
matches the target
position, or has
exceeded it.
Open-loop operation: the actuator continues in open-loop control
mode at the final velocity of the positioning order (without monitoring
of the deviation). The force continues to be limited to the maximum
value defined in the order. A subsequent order can start without the
actuator being at a standstill.
Closed-loop operation: the actuator continues in a speed-controller
manner at the final velocity of the positioning order (without
monitoring of the deviation). The force continues to be limited to the
maximum value defined in the order. A subsequent order can start
without the actuator being at a standstill.
Tab. 2.54 Target recognition (message “Motion Complete”) in positioning mode