Control via Ethernet (CVE)
Festo – GDCP-CMMO-ST-EA-SY-EN – 2017-05c – English
Controlling the drive
The CMMO-ST has a finite state machine that executes the operating modes of the drive in accordance
with the user's specifications. Fig. B.1 shows the possible states. These are described in detail in
Tab. B.7. Tab. B.8 shows the possible transitions between the states.
The finite state machine is based on the CANopen standard CiA402.
Control word
The control word, as a bit field, is used to switch back and forth between the statuses
(CVE object #2,
Status word
The status word, as a bit field, provides feedback about the current status
(CVE object #1,
A drive function can only be started in the “Operation enabled” status.
The desired drive function must be selected via CVE object #120. Before starting a homing run the
value 6 must be written into this CVE object; before starting a position record the value 1 must be writ
ten into this CVE object. The current or last executed drive function can be read via CVE object #121.