MeterLink and are left out of the list. Simply close the files in Microsoft
and then
close and reopen the Trend Maintenance Logs dialog box to include them in the list.
Log/Export options are not available
In order for the Excel
log/export options to be available, Excel
2000 or later must be
installed on the machine and at least one printer must be installed under the Windows
operating system.
If Excel
2000 or later is installed and you have printers installed but the Excel option is still
unavailable, it may be because Excel
cannot access the printer driver information of the
default printer. If the Windows
default printer is a network printer and you are
not currently connected to the network, then Excel
will most likely not be able to access
the printer driver information and MeterLink cannot use Excel
to generate reports or logs.
One solution is to install a local printer on your machine tied to LPT1. The local printer
driver you installed can be for any printer and the printer does not actually have to exist or
be connected to the PC. If you install a local printer, you can configure MeterLink to
temporarily change your Windows
default printer over to this local printer while running
MeterLink. Do this by selecting this local printer for the Override system default printer
selection in the Program Settings dialog. MeterLink will automatically change the
default printer to the selected override printer when it starts and will set the
default printer back to its original printer when it closes.
Maintenance Logs or Trend files are not created
When using Excel
XP or later, some of the worksheets in the Maintenance Logs or Trend
files are not created.
If the Inspection sheet of the Maintenance Log file or the Charts sheet of a Trend files is not
generated, it is probably because Excel
is not configured to allow MeterLink to run the
Visual Basic
script that generates the page. Excel
can be configured to allow MeterLink
to run the Visual Basic
script by following the instructions below.
To enable Excel
2000 to work with MeterLink,
1. Select
menu path.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual
April 2022