Application Manual
FE260 GSM/GPRS version, GSM operating mode
Prerequisites for process described below:
The FE260 is connected and configured as described in chapter 7.3.1.
The SIM card is inserted as described in chapter 7.3.2. EK280 Parameterization
For parameterization of the EK280 you will require a connection cable for the optical interface as
well as the enSuite application, which can be downloaded for free at www.elster-instromet.com.
a) Closing the time windows
In order that the parameterization works correctly the time windows 5 and 6 must be closed. To do this:
Connect a PC or laptop with enSuite installed to the EK280 optical interface using the connection
Start enSuite and set up the communication link to the EK280. (see chapter 3.1 "Setting up the
communication link to the EK280 via optical interface", page 15)
Select "
" on the left-hand side and then "
Parameterize online
" at the bottom of the
navigation window.
In the top of the device window open the path "
" > "
" by clicking on the relevant
plus signs, and then select "
Call time windows
In call windows 5 and 6 set start and end to the same value for each one and then select the
"Transfer changes to device" icon at the top of the enSuite window.
Then wait a minute, for any communications activity in progress on the EK280 to be safely stopped.
b) Send parameter file
Depending on the GSM modem fitted to the FE260 (ECM-GW120 or Wavecom Integra M2106) send
one of the following parameter files to the EK280 (see Chapter 3.6, page 17):
- EK280_xvx. - FE260 & int. M2106x - GSM (*)
- EK280_xvx. - FE260 & ECM-GW-120
For the following customized settings and tests required, press "
" on the left-hand side
and then "
Parameterize online
" at the bottom of the navigation window.
All the values listed in enSuite under "
" can be found on the "
" display tab of the
EK280 under the same path.
Setting time window for potential data retrievals
In the base configuration now displayed you can define time windows, during which data can be cyclically
retrieved from the EK280 via the modem. Time windows 5 and 6 are reserved for EK280 operation with an
FE260, and generally only time window 5 is used. Redundant time windows can be deactivated by setting the
time window start and end to the same value.
In the top of the device window open the path "
" > "
" by clicking on the relevant
plus signs, and then select "
Call time windows
For call window 5, set the start to "00:00" and the end to "23:59" and then select the "Transfer
changes to device" icon at the top of the enSuite window. Checking GSM field strength
Before starting a data transfer via the modem, you must ensure that there is adequate reception field strength.
Finally, turn the FE260 power supply back on.
Wait for around a minute for the EK280 to detect the FE260.
The "x" stands for the version of software on the device, e.g. "2v2".
The star * stands for a small letter which indicates the version of the file, e.g. "a".