Application Manual
Make sure that the EM260 is switched off.
Connect a PC with enSuite installed to the EK280 optical interface using the connection cable.
Start enSuite and establish the communication link to theEK280 via the optical interface. (see
chapter 3.1 "Setting up the communication link to the EK280 via optical interface", page 15)
Select "
" on the left-hand side of the enSuite window and then "
Parameterize online
" at
the bottom of the navigation window.
In the top of the device window open the path "
" > "
" by clicking on the relevant
plus signs, and then select "
Call time windows
Make sure that time windows 5 and 6 are closed.
In the path "
" > "
" choose the option "
Terminal interface.
On the line "
Configuration external Modem
" you will need to find the following string which was set in
the course of the EK280 parameterization in accordance with Section
In this string, change the values for the TCP-Port (to PORT=) and the IP Address (to IP=) to the
values needed for your network. Where necessary, you may require permission from your network
administrator at this time.
Then, press the button
Transfer values to device
", so that
the modified values are transferred into the EK280.
Make sure that the EM260 is connected in accordance with
Section 7.2.1 to the EK280
Make sure that in the EM260 the Jumpers J1, J2 and J3 are
each in the uppermost position (see photograph)
Switch on the EM260 power supply
Now, under "
" > "
" > "
Call time windows"
open one of the time windows 5 or 6. After opening of the time
window, the initstring is transmitted automatically by EK280 to
the Ethernet adapter.
Wait for approx. 1 minute, so that the initialization string can be reliably sent from EK280 to the
Ethernet card.
Then it is necessary to perform a
Reset of the Ethernet card
(interrupt the ext. supply
voltage provided by EM260 briefly). The parameters are taken over into the memory of the Ethernet
card only after this operation. Approx. 1 minute later the card is ready for communication.
Should it become necessary to write further settings such as the subnet mask or gateway to the Ethernet card,
the operation must be repeated with the corresponding commands (see below).
Attention: Not all parameters may be transmittable at the same time within the Initstring, as the
total length of the string is 62 characters max. Therefore the necessary parameters must be
transmitted in 2 steps, where appropriate.
The values given below merely serve as examples and need not be lodged in the terminal device in this form.
The required commands are dependent on the existing network administration features.
Set own IP address
Set gateway address
Set network mask / sub mask
Set local port number
Automatic IP configuration by DHCP service
0=No autom. configuration The applicable settings are those from the
saved profile (AT#IP, AT#NM, AT#GW)
1=Autom. network configuration. There must be an active DHCP
server in the network.