Application Manual
GSM modem status "StM"
If a modem is in use then "StM" supplies in addition to "StCon" and "SDst" information to the mobile
communications network whilst one of the EK280 connections is in use.
Use the enSuite program and change over to following the sub-menu
For the EK280 internal modem:
internal modem
GSM and GPRS >
For a terminal-connected modem:
Terminal interface
GSM and GPRS >
Use the enSuite button "
at the menu bar of enSuite, to get the actual information in the enSuite.
Logged out
The GSM modem is not currently registered.
If the modem should be registered and "Logged out" is displayed, please check whether
a SIM card is inserted and where necessary a SIM-PIN has been entered.
Own network
The modem is registered to its own network.
The modem is currently registering to a network.
Modem registration is denied.
Third party
The modem is registered to a foreign network ("roaming").
no command
The modem command for reading the modem status is undefined. If this text is
displayed, the EK280 is not correctly parameterized.
Registration of the GSM receiving level in a flexible archive
The EK280 offers a facility for recording the GSM receiving level determined. The purpose is to identify the
cause of any remote data transmission problem more accurately. For this purpose, the receiving level, the
modem status and the system status are recorded every 5 minutes. In the parameter file below, the number
of pre-populated lines is 2000. The scope of storage covers approx. 7 days (ring buffer), so that at all times
the data from the last 7 days can be called off.
Below the application will be described for the internal GSM/GPRS modem and for the GSN/GPRS modem in
the FE260 device.
No additional hardware is needed for the application. The only requirements are the internal GSM/GPRS
modem in the EK280 or a GSM/GPRS modem in the FE260. The application May be used with GSM or
GPRS modems (however, GPRS data cannot be recorded)
Internal modems in the EK280 may be operated
either with mains or with battery power.
To ensure that the necessary values are parameterized, use the parameterization program "enSuite" to send
the following parameter file to the EK280 (see Chapter 3.6, page 17):
GSM/GPRS modem in the EK280:
EK280 V2.xx - Application: Registration of receiver level (internal modem) every 5 min. in flex. arc. 15 (*)
GSM/GPRS modem in the FE260
EK280 V2.xx - Application: Registration of receiver level (FE260) every 5 min. in flex. arc. 15 (*)
Since the flexible archive 15 is used in both cases, only one of the two parameter files may be used.
After loading of the data, no further activity is required, and from now the level is recorded every 5 min.