How can I fix BACnet network timing errors/slowness?
The maximum number of the MSTP master should be set to the highest MAC address present in the
network. Max Master is a setting on the Communications tab of the ViewPoint™ software.
What is the purpose of setting a scalar value?
Each Modbus register is only 16 bits wide and is in integer format without any fixed number of decimal
points. Simply putting a value directly into one of these registers would limit the smallest number to 1,
and only allow for a maximum value of 65535. To handle larger numbers, or numbers with better
resolution, we use a scalar value to apply a factor in multiples of 10 to the 16 bit data register value.
How do I update the firmware in BACnet mode?
Currently, the PowerScout meter must be in Modbus mode in order to use ViewPoint to update the
firmware (either through the software switch or the rotary switches).
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