A p p e n d i x B
B. Checkout Procedure for Pump Controller
Step 1: Electrical Termination Review
NEC code and OSHA safety standards should be observed during all installation, grounding and testing procedures.
Modifications to the following should be made as necessary to stay within NEC and OSHA guidelines. Confirm with DFS
regarding proper procedure if the following becomes obsolete due to code or regulation changes.
1. Visually inspect all wiring. Check for loose wires and short circuits.
2. Verify 120 VAC exists at the line termination and between neutral and ground terminals on the TCU’s P1 connector.
3. Verify proper voltage dropping resistors are in place on all TCU digital input pins where voltage exceeds 30 VAC/VDC.
4. Verify that surge arrestor components are installed correctly as detailed in DFS approved drawings.
5. Verify that DFS onboard 24 VDC supply is not being used for any control devices. This onboard source is for biasing
analog and digital monitor inputs to the TCU only.
6. Verify that grounding is installed correctly. Bonding should occur between the DFS tower ground rod and Power
Company ground rod and finally to the DFS supplied Polyphaser. Refer to illustrations provided in “Chapter 7: Telemetry
7. If 3-phase power is input directly to the TCU, verify that:
• Voltage exists at the P1 terminals for the appropriate phases.
• 3-phase power is fused and correctly routed through the TFS supplied by DFS.
If the TCU shows an active 3-phase error, follow the steps provided in “Chapter 6: Operation Procedures” to adjust the
Low Phase and High Phase limits. To facilitate a start-up, the 3-phase limits can initially be adjusted fully open, and then
later adjusted for less tolerance.
8. If the Phase Monitor Bypass is used to monitor third party 3-phase monitors with contacts that remain closed when the
3-phase is within specifications, wire the contacts using the same common as the pump run input circuits. The TCU will
only run the pumps if the Phase Monitor Bypass input is ON. If the third party phase monitor contacts should open, all Auto
operation will cease. This input takes precedence over the direct 3-phase input. Although the on-board 3-phase monitor and
phasemonitor-bypass input can be used simultaneously, we do not recommended that configuration.
9. Verify that the level detection device(s) connected to the TCU are properly wired. If floats or pressure switches are
used, check that they are in the correct sequence. If an analog 4-20 mA transducer is used, check that the jumper between
the ANALOG- and SHUNT terminals is installed. If an analog 0-5 V transducer is used, you must check that the jumper
between the ANALOG- and SHUNT terminals is removed. Verify the wiring of the alarm light and horn, if used. The
voltage connected to ALM_PWR is switched to the ALM_LITE and ALM_HORN terminals when the alarms are activated.
The returns for the light and horn must be connected to the return of the source used to power them.
Summary of Contents for TCU800
Page 1: ...Installation and Operation Manual T C U 8 0 0 Data Flow Systems Inc P r e l i m i n a r y ...
Page 2: ...Intentionally left blank ...
Page 4: ...D a t a F l o w S y s t e m s I n c Intentionally left blank ...
Page 8: ...ii Intentionally left blank ...
Page 10: ...ii Intentionally left blank ...
Page 56: ...46 C h a p t e r 5 Quick View Analog View Pump Statistics ...
Page 57: ...47 U s e r I n t e r f a c e Alarms Settings Screen 1 Settings Screen 2 ...
Page 58: ...48 C h a p t e r 5 Advanced Settings About ...
Page 77: ...67 O p e r a t i n g P r o c e d u r e s TCU Installed in Existing Control Panel ...
Page 87: ...77 M o d b u s S u p p o r t Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 ...
Page 92: ...82 D a t a F l o w S y s t e m s I n c Appendix ...
Page 157: ...147 D a t a F l o w S y s t e m s I n c ...
Page 158: ...148 D a t a F l o w S y s t e m s I n c ...
Page 159: ...149 D a t a F l o w S y s t e m s I n c ...
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