Camera Performance and Features
Linea2 5GigE Series Camera
Line Rate & Synchronization
When using an external trigger such as a rotary encoder, a continuous stream of encoder trigger
pulses, synchronized to the object motion,
establishes the line rate. The faster the object’s motio
the higher the line rate. The camera can accommodate triggers up to its specified maximum
frequency. If the maximum frequency is exceeded, the camera will continue to output image data
at the maximum specified. The result will be that some trigger pulses will be missed and there will
be an associated distortion (compression in the scan direction) of the image data. When the line
rate returns to or below the maximum specified, then normal imaging will be reestablished.
Input Line Details
The input line signals have the following features for control or status indication.
Feature Set:
LineSelector (RW), LineFormat (RW), LineMode (RW), lineDebouncingPeriod
(RW), LineInverter (RW), LineStatus (RO), lineDetectionLevel (RO).
See HD15 Type Connector Details for connector pinout and electrical information.
The cable shell and shield should electrically connect the Linea2 5GigE chassis to computer
chassis for maximum EMI protection.
Input Line Debouncing Period:
Each input incorporates a signal debounce circuit to eliminate
short noise transitions that could be wrongly interpreted as a valid pulse. The duration is user-
programmable from 0 to 255 µs with CamExpert.
Line Input Signal Characteristics:
See Input Signals Electrical Specifications.
Output Line Details
The general purpose output line signals either dedicated or shared with inputs. See HD15 Type
Connector Details for connector pinout and electrical information.
Feature Set:
LineInverter (RW), outputLineSource (RW), outputLinePulseDelay (RW),
outputLinePulseDuration (RW), outputLineValue (RW), outputLineSoftwareCmd (RW),
LineSelector (RW), LineFormat (RW), LineMode (RW), LineStatus (RO). See Output Signals
Electrical Specifications for more information.
External Outputs:
Can be used as a strobe signal to control lighting or to generate
programmable pulses when specific events are generated by the camera.
Output on Events:
Each output can be set independently to the available event modes defined
by the outputLineSource feature. The output delay can be set from 0 to 16 seconds in
increments of 1 µs. The pulse duration can be set from 0 to 16 seconds in increments of 1 µs.