Monitoring Status and Statistics
Unified Wired and Wireless Access System
Oct. 2015
Page 472
D-Link UWS User Manual
Manual Channel
Adjustment Status
Indicates the current state of a manual request to change the channel on this radio.
The valid values are:
• Not Started: No request has been made to change the channel.
• Requested: A channel change has been requested by the user but has not been
processed by the switch.
• In Progress: The switch is processing a channel change request for this radio.
• Success: A channel change request is complete.
• Failure: A channel change request failed.
WLAN Utilization
Total network utilization for the physical radio. This value is based on radio statistics.
Radio Resource
Indicates whether the RRM feature is enabled on the radio.
Authenticated Clients
Total count of clients authenticated with the AP on the physical radio. This is a sum
of all the clients authenticated with the AP for each VAP enabled on the radio.
Transmit Power
If radio is operational, the current transmit power for the radio.
Fixed Power Indicator
This flag indicates if a fixed power setting is configured and assigned to the radio, a
fixed transmit power can be configured in the valid AP database (locally or on a
RADIUS server).
Manual Power
Adjustment Status
Indicates the current state of a manual request to change the power setting on this
radio. The valid values are:
• None: No request has been made to change the power.
• Requested: A power adjustment has been requested by the user but has not
been processed by the switch.
• In Progress: The switch is processing a power adjustment request for this radio.
• Success: A power adjustment request is complete.
• Failure: A power adjustment request failed.
Total Neighbors
Total number of neighbors (both APs and clients) that can be seen by this radio in its
RF area.
TSPEC Status (Voice and Video)
Operational Status
Indicates the current operational mode for the category.
The operational mode is influenced by both the individual Admission Control
Mandatory (ACM) mode and overall TSPEC mode.
Number of Active
Traffic Streams
Shows the number of active traffic streams on the radio.
A traffic stream is a collection of data packets identified by the wireless client as
belonging to a particular user priority. An example of a voice traffic stream is a Wi-Fi
Certified telephone handset that marks its codec-generated data packets as voice
priority traffic. An example of a video traffic stream is a video player application on
a wireless laptop that prioritizes a video conference feed from a corporate server.
Number of Traffic
Stream Clients
Shows the number of clients with an active traffic stream on the radio.
Number of Traffic
Stream Roaming
Shows the number of clients in roaming mode with an active traffic stream on the
radio. This value is also included in the Number of Traffic Stream Clients field.
Table 272: Managed AP Radio Detail (Cont.)
Summary of Contents for DWL-8600AP
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