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c. engine damage(low compression).
7. If the spark was weak (white or yellow) or if there was no spark, perform the peak voltage checks
described under Ignition System Testing.
8. Reinstall the fuel tank.
The Starter Cannot Work Repeatedly Or Can Only Work Slowly
Refer to Starting System Testing
If the engine runs, but performance is unsatisfactory, refer to the following section that best
describes the symptoms.
The Engine Starts Slowly Or Difficultly
Check for the following:
1. Incorrect choke operation. This can be due to improper use or a stuck choke valve in the throttle.
2. Incorrect hot start valve operation. This situation can be due to improper use or incorrect hot start
valve adjustment.
3. The fuel tank connection hose is clogged.
4. The fuel hose is clogged or the oil filter is clogged.
5. The injector is clogged.
If a warm or hot engine will start with the choke on,
or if a cold engine starts and runs until the choke is
turned off. The pilot jet is probably plugged.
8. Contaminated or stale fuel.
9. Clogged air filter.
10. Intake pipe air leak.
11. Plugged exhaust system. Check the silencer or muffler, especially if the utility terrain vehicle was
just returned from storage.
12. Faulty ignition system component.
Engine Backfires, Cuts Out or Misfires During Acceleration
A backfire occurs when fuel is burned or ignited in the exhaust system.
1. A lean air/fuel mixture can cause these engine performance problems. Check for the following
a. Incorrect float level adjustment.
b. Plugged pilot jet or pilot system.
2. Faulty accelerator pump.
3. Loose exhaust pipe-to-cylinder head connection.
4. Intake air leak.