AC Repair and Adjustment Procedures
FRP 41: Run Capacitor (C1) Replacement
Cray Research/Silicon Graphics Proprietary
Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment Procedures
Cleaning the Air Filter
Check the air filter approximately every 6 months for cleanliness. If you cannot
replace a dirty air filter, remove the filter and clean it with an ESD-safe vacuum.
Cleaning the EMI Filters
Occasionally, wipe the EMI filters with a moist cloth to remove dust. To
thoroughly clean the filters, remove them and rinse or soak them in water. Allow
the filters to dry completely before you install them in the cabinet. Do not use
alcohol or strong solvents to clean the filters.
Adjusting the Module Power Supply Output Voltage
At present, the modules should receive between 3.1 Vdc and 3.5 Vdc from the
module power supplies. To adjust the output of an individual power supply:
Open the front cabinet door.
While you or a partner monitor the voltage, use a small flatblade
screwdriver to turn the voltage potentiometer screw near the CL (current
limit) LED indicator:
To reduce the output voltage, turn the screw counterclockwise slightly.
To increase the output voltage, turn the screw clockwise slightly.
Close the front cabinet door.