FRP 36: Resistor (R1) Replacement
AC Repair and Adjustment Procedures
Cray Research/Silicon Graphics Proprietary
FRP 36: Resistor (R1) Replacement
This procedure describes using a solder sleeve and heat gun to connect the wires.
However, you may also use a soldering iron, solder, and electrical tape to connect
the wires.
Newer systems may contain two resistors (R1 and R2) on a
mounting plate rather than the single resistor described in this
procedure. If your system does not contain the type of resistor
described here, make the necessary modifications to this procedure
to ensure a safe and successful replacement.
Part Number
57185400 (resistor, 50W 330 Ohm)
Tools Required
#2 Phillips screwdriver
#1 Phillips screwdriver
Medium flatblade screwdriver
Wire cutters
Heat gun and solder sleeves (or soldering iron and solder)
Heat shrink (or electrical tape)
R1 Removal
Open the front cabinet door.
Open the cabinet’s main disconnect circuit breaker (CB1) and unplug the
cabinet. Place a lockout device over the cabinet’s plug and lock/tag it.
Ensure that the electrical plug for the
equipment that you service is
unplugged, locked, and tagged. Failure
to do so could result in severe shock
and burns.