CTD-N Technical Manual
P/N 95F-6000-00 (February 2017)
page 53
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Retrieving and Displaying Data from the CTD-N
Data that are stored in the CTD-N can be downloaded file by file to your computer. Once down-
loaded, the data can be exported to a text or spreadsheet file for viewing and printing, or to
CTDPost for post processing. The data can also be viewed on graphs and the graphs printed and
saved. This section provides instructions on how to download and save data that are stored in the
CTD-N, and once saved, how to export the data for viewing, printing and processing. Instructions
are also provided on how to erase all the data in the instrument.
The CTD-N always records measured conductivity, temperature, and pressure, along
with calculated salinity and sound velocity, the date and time, the battery voltage, and the
optional external sensor data. In addition, when exporting data to a text or spreadsheet file,
or to CTDPost, you can choose to have CTDPro calculate additional parameters from the
measured parameters as described in
. The measured parameters, the
parameters calculated by the CTD-N and the parameters calculated by CTDPro are listed and
APPENDIX A: Measured and Calculated Parameters
Downloading and Saving Data from the CTD-N
Data that are stored in the CTD-N can be downloaded file by file to your computer and saved as
CTD files, files with extension .ctd. Once downloaded, the data can be exported to a text or spread-
sheet file for viewing and printing, or to CTDPost for post processing.
To download data from a CTD-N:
1. Connect the CTD-N to your computer.
2. Choose Start
All Programs
RD Instruments
CTDPro starts and the CTDPro Main window opens.
3. Choose CTD
View Files.
If the CTD-N is currently logging data, a window opens asking if you want to stop logging:
4. Click Yes to stop data logging, or click No to continue.
If you click No, the window closes and data acquisition continues without interruption.