CTD-N Technical Manual
page 98
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Seapoint Fluorometer Sensor
The fluorometer sensor is a Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer manufactured by Seapoint Sensors,
Inc. The sensor measures chlorophyll a over a wide dynamic range in a wide variety of conditions.
The fluorometer sensor connects to the Options 1 connector on a CTD-N.
The fluorometer sensor has four range selections which allow you to choose the best resolution for
the application. You can select the range in CTDPro by choosing the corresponding gain in accord-
ance with Table 15. CTDPro also allows you calibrate the sensor by immersing it in several known
For more information about the fluorometer sensor, refer to the Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer
user manual provided with the option.
Table 15:
Fluorometer Sensor Range Selections
0.033 V/(µg/l)
150 µg/l
0.1 V/(µg/l)
50 µg/l
0.33 V/(µg/l)
15 µg/l
1.0 V/(µg/l)
5 µg/l
Selecting the Range for the Seapoint Fluorometer Sensor
To select the range for the Seapoint fluorometer sensor:
1. Connect the CTD-N to your computer.
2. Choose Start
All Programs
RD Instruments
CTDPro starts and the CTDPro Main window opens.
3. Choose Sensors
The setup dialog
applies only to sensors manufactured by Seapoint
. If you have
other sensors, do
use the setup dialog because it will set the channels to expect the
Seapoint sensors.
The Sensor Setup dialog box shown in Figure 53 opens.