CTD-N Technical Manual
P/N 95F-6000-00 (February 2017)
page 21
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Figure 11.
The Communication Rate Dialog Box
4. Click OK to save the baud rate selection and close the Communication Rate dialog box.
Connecting and Setting up Communications with a GPS
If you have a global positioning system (GPS), you can connect it to your computer. With the GPS
connected you can have CTDPro include the latitude, longitude, and time of day with the data. A
NEMA GPGGA string is required.
To connect a GPS connect the RS-232 output of the GPS to an available serial port on your com-
puter. Once connected, you can set up communications with the GPS.
To set up communications with a GPS:
1. Choose Start
All Programs
RD Instruments
CTDPro starts and the CTDPro Main window opens.
2. Choose NAV
The Navigation Setup dialog box shown in Figure 12 opens.
Figure 12.
The Navigation Setup Dialog Box