Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Main Driver PCB
Current Sensor error
An error is detected in the value of
the Current Sensor (SE601) (the
value remains at the lower limit).
1. Check the connection between the AC
Driver PCB and the Main Driver PCB
(connector disconnection, open circuit, short
circuit of harness). AC Driver side: J615,
Main Driver side: J103 2. Replace the AC
Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Main Driver PCB
Error in Current Sensor accuracy
The value of the Current Sensor
(SE601) is not within the range of
reference value.
1. Check the connection between the AC
Driver PCB and the Main Driver PCB
(connector disconnection, open circuit, short
circuit of harness). AC Driver side: J615,
Main Driver side: J103 2. Replace the AC
Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Main Driver PCB
Error in paper front vertical
scanning synchronous signal
Vertical scanning synchronous
signal (VSYNC) is not sent
appropriately from the CMOS PCB
(Scanner Unit (Paper Front)), so
the image error occurs or the
operation stops abnormally.
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
the Scanner Unit (Reader). 2. Connector
disconnection/open circuit of the Reader
Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of the
Scanner Unit (Reader). 4. Failure of the
Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Error in horizontal
scanning/vertical scanning
synchronous signal
Due to the horizontal scanning
synchronous signal (HSYNC)
error, the vertical scanning
synchronous signal (VSYNC) is
not sent, so the image error occurs
or the operation stops abnormally.
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
the Scanner Unit (Reader/DADF). 2.
Connector disconnection/open circuit of the
Reader Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of
the Scanner Unit (Reader/DADF). 4. Failure
of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Error in paper back vertical
scanning synchronous signal
Vertical scanning synchronous
signal (VSYNC) is not sent
appropriately from the CMOS PCB
(Scanner Unit (Paper Back)), so
the image error occurs or the
operation stops abnormally.
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
the Scanner Unit (DADF). 2. Connector
disconnection/open circuit of the Reader
Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of the
Scanner Unit (DADF). 4. Failure of the
Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Communication error between
Reader Controller PCB (PCB1)
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
the Scanner Unit (Reader). 2. Connector