I want to know how to use Ptouch Editor. (Ptouch Editor 5.1 for Mac)
Start up Ptouch Editor and go to [Ptouch Editor Help] from the [Help] menu. We provide step by step instructions for frequently asked questions in the help. By following the instructions, you'll be able to learn from
basic to advanced Ptouch Editor techniques.
Examples of provided description in Ptouch Editor Help
Help Section
Sample Label
Making a nametag
(Specifying the size of the label. Centering the text within the label. Adding a frame around the text.)
Making an address label
(Specifying the size of the label. Printing. Saving a layout.)
Making a banner or sign with continuous length tape
(Specifying the label length or using auto setting. Inserting clip art illustrations)
Making labels for a CD case
(Specifying a background theme. Inserting clip art illustrations. Combining multiple labels using the Sheet function.)
Creating a table
(Inserting a table. Joining cells. Typing text into a table.)
Making a label that contains information split among multiple labels
(Creating wide labels. Inverting text.)
Connecting to a database using a template
(Selecting a template. Database connection.)
Printing using the Numbering function
(Specifying the field to be incremented (Numbering field), and printing a series of sequentially numbered labels.)
Making a label that shows telephone numbers
(Creating tables without borders. Setting the cell width.)
Using Ptouch Editor to make a label that contains a bar code
(Selecting a protocol. Changing the size.)
Making address labels with continuous length tape
(Using tape in vertical direction. Adding cutlines. Printing.)
Making a label by using a database
(Using / Connecting an Microsoft Excel file Merging into a layout.)
Using layout styles to create labels
(Choosing/Changing the default layout style. Editing and saving a layout style.)
Making a stamp containing a photo
(Inserting photo data. Enhancing photo data.)
Making a stamp using arrange text
(Creating arrange text. Adding to a template.)
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