Installation and Setup Guide
To access the Assign Connectors Individually dialog box:
1. In the Virtual Matrix View, right click the virtual matrix for which
you want to make connector assignments.
2. Select Manage Connector Groupings.
The Manage Virtual Matrix Groupings dialog box appears.
3. From the Select a Method section of the dialog box, click the
Assign Individually button.
The Assign Connectors Individually dialog box appears.
To assign connectors individually:
4. From the Current Channel list, select the channel where you want to
make connector assignments. If no channels are available, click the
Create New Channel button.
5. From the Select Channel Type section of the dialog box, click either
Source (input channels) or Destination (output channels).
6. Highlight the signal you wish to add in the Available Signals list.
7. From the Enclosure list box in the middle of the dialog box, choose
the enclosure in which you want to create the groupings.
8. From the Matrix list box, select the physical matrix on which this
signal will be switched.
Managing Configuration Files