XM3-HP Safety & Compliance Notes
Review the drawings and illustrations contained in this manual before proceeding. If there are any questions regarding
the safe installation or operation of the system, contact Alpha Technologies or the nearest Alpha representative. Save this
document for future reference.
To reduce the risk of injury or death and to ensure the continued safe operation of this product, the following symbols have
been placed throughout this manual. Where these symbols appear, use extra care and attention.
Safety Precautions
This power supply has been investigated by regulatory authorities for use in various Alpha enclosures. If you are using a
non-Alpha enclosure, it is your responsibility to ensure your combination conforms to your local regulatory requirements
and the power supply remains within its environmental specifications.
Do not allow live battery wires to contact the enclosure chassis. Shorting battery wires
can result in a fire or possible explosion.
• In the event of a short-circuit, batteries present a risk of electrical shock and burns from
high current. Observe proper safety precautions.
• The battery string, which provides backup power, contains dangerous voltages. Only
qualified personnel should inspect or replace batteries.
• The power supply contains more than one live circuit! Even though AC voltage is not
present at the input, voltage may still be present at the output.
Only qualified personnel should service the power supply.
Verify the voltage requirements of the equipment to be protected (load), the AC input voltage to the power supply
(line) and the output voltage of the system prior to installation.
• Equip the utility service panel with a properly rated circuit breaker for use with this power supply.
• When connecting the load, DO NOT exceed the output rating of the power supply.
• Always use proper lifting techniques whenever handling units, modules or batteries.
017-882-B0-001 Rev. E (06/2018)