017-882-B0-001 Rev. E (06/2018)
1.0 Introduction, Continued
High delta mean alarm during charging
A high delta mean alarm during charging is usually seen when one battery has either higher or lower capacity than the
other two batteries. This may be seen on initial install of unbalanced batteries. Verify that the alarm clears within 7 days.
Otherwise, investigate the batteries.
High delta mean during discharging
A high delta mean alarm during discharging is usually seen when one battery has either higher or lower capacity than the
other two batteries. The SAG cannot compensate for reduced capacity batteries in discharge mode to maintain balance.
Investigate the batteries.
Miswired string alarm during discharging/charging
A miswired string alarm occurs when a battery voltage is not within the specified valid battery range of 9.9V to 15.7V, but
the other batteries are in valid ranges. During discharge, a battery with a much lower capacity will have a voltage that is
much lower than the others in the string. This can cause the low capacity battery voltage to fall outside the limits of a valid
battery, and the SAG may identify the string as miswired. Investigate the batteries.
Maintenance required and stuck relay alarm at the same time
This is normal alarm operation. A stuck relay alarm will trigger an alarm in the SAG and the XM3 will trigger a maintenance
required alarm. Replace the unit if the alarm does not clear itself.
PowerSave / SAG Disabled Mode
When the "turn off" logic command is received the SAG initiates a power save mode. In this mode the software disables
the balancer including all relays and it turns off all the LEDs with the exception of the active LED, which flashes with a
10% on, 90% off preset interval. It only detects voltages on a query from the power supply.
When 18V4 XTV batteries are installed, the SAG compatibility alarm will display on the XM3's LED and the SAG will
initiate PowerSave/SAG Disabled Mode.
Preventive maintenance required and high delta mean alarm at the same time
This is normal alarm operation. A high delta mean alarm will trigger an alarm in the SAG and the XM3 will trigger a
preventive maintenance required alarm. Investigate the battery condition if the alarm persists.
If retrofitting a 36V system to 18V, it is recommended to have the SAG disconnected both externally to the batteries
and internally to the XM3 when 18V4 XTV batteries are installed.