4.1 Run
The Run Screen is essentially the dashboard of the Gen IV controller
and provides a look at real-time information regarding rundowns.
Indicates the current JOB.
Indicates the current PSet in which you are operating.
Indicates accepted rundown.
Indicates failed rundown.
Displays Torque and Angle for current rundown.
Time (in-cycle) screen
Graph displays curves representing Torque (black trace) and Angle (blue trace). The blue left arrow at
the origin of the graph will change the X-axis of the rundown curve from Time (In–Cycle) to Time
(Overall) and Angle.
Below the graph is a historical table that will give information and status of the most recent rundowns,
including current PSet, accepted/failed rundown status, torque, and angle.
Arrows allow user to scroll left or right for viewing real time Job
information such as Run Screen or rundown indicators.
Home tab will return user to the Home Page