84 TubeNut
Tubenut Homing Parameters:
Trigger Action:
Two options are available:
Release and Repress:
Socket will return Home on release and
repress of main lever.
If the main lever is released while homing in this
configuration, the tool will stop and will continue to Home
once the lever is repressed.
Socket will return Home upon release of main lever.
Speed (RPM):
The speed in RPMs which a tubenut tool will return to
the open position (default 50 RPM).
Acceleration (kRPM/s):
Rate at which tool is set to ramp up to
maximum homing RPM.
Reverse Dwell Time (s):
Amount of time, kin seconds, before
Output attempts to return Home, after Home command is initiated
(default 500 ms).
Hold at Home Dwell Time (s):
Amount of time, in seconds, Output is
held at Home position (default 500 ms).
Retry Home when Disabled:
This will allow a retry of the tube-nut homing sequence (by
releasing then repressing the lever) even if the controller has been
disabled or the stop input is on
Output is held at Home for the Home Dwell Time to prevent
socket from bouncing back to partially closed position.
See: Gen IV IEC Manual Section 14 for more TubeNut Tool Set Up Details Past Service and Calibration
Service Past Due:
Four options are available:
No Action
No Action will be taken.
Log Error
Errors will be saved on Service Log.
Display Error:
Calibration/Service message will appear on
screen between each rundown. Tool remains functional.
Disable Tool:
Disable tool in preset Service period. Exceeded
(date/time) LED warning appears on the controller.
Calibration Past Due:
Same options as above