AcraDyne Gen IV iAC Controller Manual
The controller menu is where all of the settings for the Gen
IV controller are configured. All of the different configuration
capabilities are explained in the following sections.
4.5.1 Tool Setup
In this screen user can enable/
disable various tool functions.
4.5 Controller Tool Parameters
For proper operation of the tool, this information must be entered each time
a new tool is connected to the controller.
Tool CAL:
Value stamped on tool.
CAL Ratio:
Calibration factor for matching the torque reading of the tool/
controller to a torque auditor.
Maximum Torque (Nm):
Rated maximum torque of the tool. This is used
when determining the default PSets.
Rated Speed:
Rated catalog speed of the tool. (Optional information only.
Does not affect the operation of the tool)
Model Number:
(Optional information only. Does not affect the operation of
the tool)
Serial Number:
(Optional information only. Does not affect the operation of
the tool)
Valve Return Delay:
Time from when the air to the tool shuts off after a
rundown, to when the tool air turns back on for the next rundown.
Angle Resolver:
Tool is equipped with an angle sensor ‘Resolver’.