AcraDyne Gen IV iAC Controller Manual
4.2.5 Manage PSets
Save PSets to Browser
Allows the PSet information to be saved to the local
PC connected to controller. PSet information is
saved as a .txt file and can be opened using any
text editor such as WordPad. It can also be opened
with Excel. The format of the .txt file is tab separated
Export PSets to Browser
Save the PSets as a database file to the PC
connected to controller. These PSets can later be
imported to another controller.
Import PSets from Browser
Import previously exported PSets to controller.
Delete PSets
Enables deletion of selected PSets.
This timer starts when the final stage of the PSet is
Torque Read Delay:
The primary use of this timer is
to ignore seating torque or early stray pulses from
contributing to the rundown results. This timer starts
when the torque reaches In-Cycle. During this delay
time, torque is not compared to the target. When
the time is up, the peak torque is reset. This can be
useful if there is an initial spike in the torque when
the tool first starts or at the fasteners first seating
Pulse Timeout:
The primary use for this timer is to
detect trigger release. This timer starts after a pulse
is detected. If another pulse is not detected before
the timer expires then the rundown will terminate
Re-hit/Reject Parameters:
Prevents the fastening of
an already tightened fastener. If enabled, tool will
stop and the rundown will be aborted, if the angle
of rotation between the Re-Hit Reference Torque
and the In-Cycle Torque is less than the Re-Hit Angle
If the attempted rundown is a Re-Hit, it will not
be reported or recorded.
Re-hit Reject Enable:
Enables the feature.
Report Re-Hit as NOK:
If checked the results of the
rundown will be NOK with torque, angle and pulse
reported as LOW.
If not checked, the tool will be shut off and the
controller will not go into cycle.
Re-Hit Angle Count:
The default Re-Hit Angle Count
is 100 degrees. If the angle changes less than 100
degrees in .04 seconds before the in-cycle pulse it is
determined to be a Re-Hit.
Joint Compensation Ratio:
Adjusts the target torque
of the tool to compensate for joint characteristics.
This value has an inverse relationship with the target
torque (Output torque = Target Torque / Ratio).
Ratio values above 1.0 result in a lower output
torque where values below 1.0 result in higher
output torques.