AcraDyne Gen IV iAC Controller Manual Disassembly
Report Disassembly:
If enabled, disassembly events will be reported and logged.
Threshold Torque:
Disassembly will be reported only if this torque value is
reached. This is entered as a positive value.
Torque Units:
Units for the Disassembly Threshold Torque
Decrement Fastener Count:
If Disassembly is detected the fastener count in
Decrement count will be ignored
Decrement will always be active
Only after NOK:
Decrement count will only happen after a rundown
judged to me NOK (Reject) has occurred
Disable on Disassembly:
If disassembly is detected the tool will be disabled
Judgment Delay (s):
Amount of time between signal from transducer and
when value is applied against limits. In a Pulsing tool this takes into account
rebounding after final
Desired air pressure delivered to the tool for use in disassembly (only
usable when controller is an SR model)
When a disassembly event is reported:
The disassembly will be displayed on the run screeans and logged in the
rundown record, containing the following:
• Overall evaluation will be marked as ‘Disassembled’ Peak torque during the disassembly (torque shown as negative).
• Peak overall angle during the disassembly (angle shown as negative).
• Curve data from the disassembly
• Parameters from the current PSet selected
• Fastening events from the disassembly.
All of the controller’s status LEDs will be turned OFF. The LED display will show peak torque and angle as negative
I/O Considerations:
When disassembling, all assignable IO outputs that report rundown status will remain in the state from the last fastening
cycle. This includes:
• Ok and Nok signals
• Torque/Angle high or low signals
• Torque and Angle Values
All assignable I/O outputs reporting a fasting events will not change state during the disassembly. This includes:
• Fastening Complete
• In Cycle
• Fastening Stopped
• Fastening Aborted
When the tool is placed into disassembly mode, all of the tool’s LEDs flash and the Horn beeps. This will continue
until the tool is placed back into fastening mode. Lock Tool On Reject
When enabled, this prevents tool from starting a new rundown if
the result of the last rundown was a reject. Tool remains locked until
one of the four Unlock Mode conditions above are satisfied.