Instrument Reference 3
Agilent Nano Indenter G200 User’s Guide
Figure3- 18
Correct orientation for objective
Two main characteristics of the objectives are parcentricity and
parfocality. Parcentricity refers to the location of the center point of the
image of the objective, relative to other objectives used in the same
system. For example, if an object at the center of an image formed using
the 10 X objective is at the center of an image formed using the 40 X
objective, then the two objectives are parcentric.
Parfocality refers to the location of the focal plane of an objective,
relative to other objectives used in the same system. When swapping
objectives, the focus of the microscope should not require significant
Parfocality and parcentricity are set at the factory and should not require
further adjustment unless directed by an authorized Agilent certified
Sample Disks
The sample disks fit within the
shows a sample disk with a sample mounted on it.
Figure3- 19
G200 sample disk