Agilent Nano Indenter G200
User’s Guide
Agilent Technologies
Dynamic Contact Module II
Testing the DCM II Performance
The advantages of the Dynamic Contact Module II (DCM II) are:
Improved resolution in both force and displacement.
Decreased sensitivity to environmental noise.
These two advantages enable you to make meaningful measurements of
mechanical properties at displacements as small as 10 nm. The table
below shows the specifications for the DCM II.
Indentation Head Assembly
Displacement Resolution
0.0002 nm
Range of Indenter Travel
70 mm
Loading Column Mass
< 150 mg
Load Application
Coil/Magnet Assembly
Displacement Measurement
Capacitance Gauge
Typical Leaf Spring Stiffness
_ 100 N/m
Typical Damping Coefficient
0.02 Ns/m
Typical Resonant Frequency
120 Hz
Loading Capability
Maximum Load
30 mN (3 gm)
Load Resolution
3 nN (0.3 mgm)