Express Test I
Agilent Nano Indenter G200 User’s Guide
Express Test Methods
The Express Test option now includes the following batch and
individual test method options:
Express Test for Thin Films-Batch
[Batch Method only]
Express Test to a Displacement
[Individual Method only]
[Individual Method only]
As you can see, some of the above are available as Batch Method only,
some as Individual Method only, while others are available for both
options. The naming convention for batch methods is “Method
name”-Batch. Those that are referred to as “Method name”(-Batch)
describe methods that are available for both individual and batch.
Batch methods enable you to set up and run test multiple samples for
unattended operation while Individual methods enable you to set up an
array of tests on one sample. To economize set-up time, batch tests can
be pre-defined and loaded by batch name as an array of indents on any
number of the loaded samples.
For each method below that is available as a batch method, the setup
will additionally include a dialog box for identifying each test array or
batch location.
Express Test for Thin Films-Batch
The Express Test for Thin Films-Batch is used to rapidly determine the
substrate-independent Young’s modulus and is only available as a Batch
Method. This method incorporates the thin-film model to perform
indentations to a prescribed depth and returns the Young’s modulus of
the thin film alone, the substrate influence having been accounted and
removed according to the analytic model.
Launch NanoSuite.
At the User Login prompt, select the proper profile name and click
From the Open Method dialog box, select
Express Test >
Batch>Express Test for Thin Films-Batch