N9360A Multi UE Tester GSM Programming Manual
Programming Command Guideline
Character Format Parameters
To define the character format, check the following conditions
and set the appropriate parameters:
• Data Length: Specifies the number of bits of each character
excluding start, stop and parity bits.
• Parity Enable: Specifies parity check mode of each character.
• Stop Bits: Specifies number of stop bits of each character.
Flow Control
If the Tester cannot be controlled with the controller caused by
the receiver buffer full of the Tester, use Xon/Xoff flow control.
To use the Xon/Xoff flow control with the Tester, set the
on the [Configuration] screen to
. When the controller
receives the
(decimal value of 19), stop transmitting data.
When the controller receives the
(decimal value of 17),
resume transmitting data.
Flow control using the control lines (CTS, DSR and DCD) are
not available.
Data Transfer Errors
On the serial interface several type of errors may occur during
data reception. The errors may occur by any of the following
• Parity error: The parity bit on a receiving character does not
match the parity bit expected by the receiver.
This error is most commonly caused by line
noise. In this case, reducing the cable length or
using a shielded cable may solve this error.
• Framing error: The start bit and stop bit do not match the
timing expectations of the receiver. This error
is most commonly cased the cable line noise.
In this case, reducing the cable length or using
a shielded cable may solve this error.
• Overrun error: A receiver buffer overflows, and received
data is lost. This error is most commonly
caused by too fast communication speed
(Baud Rate). In this case, reduce the
communication speed (Baud Rate).