Programming Command Reference
N9360A Multi UE Tester GSM Programming Manual
Sensitivity Test (FER)
CONFigure:SEQuence:SENSitivity:FER <int>
This command sets whether to execute the Sensitivity Frame
Error Rate (FER) tests in the test sequence on the six
measurement channels.
sets whether to execute this test
on each Traffic Channel by the total sum of the 6 bits as follows.
bit 0 (1): Testing on the TCH1
bit 1 (2): Testing on the TCH2
bit 2 (4): Testing on the TCH3
bit 3 (8): Testing on the TCH4
bit 4 (16): Testing on the TCH5
bit 5 (32): Testing on the TCH6
The value in the parentheses is decimal value for each bit. Refer
Setting and Querying the Registers
The set of each bit is
for Run and
for — (skip). At preset, this
is set to
This query command returns the set of FER Sensitivity test with
integer. The meaning of the return value is same as that of the
command parameter.