3BHS842007 E01 REV C
About this manual
Product overview
The ACS6080 is a medium voltage drive that can control any type of AC
motor, including high-power induction, synchronous, and permanent
magnet motors.
The ACS6080 covers a power range of 3 - 36 MVA and delivers output
frequencies of 0 - 75 Hz in the voltage range up to 3.3 kV.
Modular drive configuration
The ACS6080 has a modular design based on standardized units, each of
which are dedicated to a specific function. The units are combined
according to the required output power, motor configuration and
process needs.
Standard applications
Typical fields of applications for the ACS6080 include:
Equipment covered by this manual
This manual covers standard drive and provides generic information on
the drive. The manual does not claim to cover all variations and details of
the drive, nor to consider all eventualities that may arise during
installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the drive.
• Marine
- Main propulsion systems
- Thruster drives
• Oil and gas
- Compressors
- Pumps
- Extruders
• Metals and mining
- Rolling mills
- Mine hoists
- Conveyors
- Crushers and mills
• General industry
- Variable speed fans and pumps
- Pump storage plant drives
- Test stand