May 2014
Page 1: ...TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL SmartGuard 5100 5120 5300 5320 May 2014 SMARTGUARD ...
Page 2: ...NG MANUAL SmartGuard 5100 5120 5300 5320 Preliminary version 7 July 2011 Preliminary version 28 September 2011 1stversion 17 February 2012 2 nd version 20 December 2012 3 rd version 14 May 2014 Copyright Aanderaa Data Instruments AS ...
Page 3: USB 18 3 2 2 Connection using Serial port 19 3 2 3 Connection using LAN 20 3 2 4 View and edit settings using AADI Real Time Collector 20 3 2 5 Start recording using AADI Real Time Collector 21 3 2 6 Verify data and recording operation using AADI Real Time Collector 21 3 3 Communication settings 21 3 4 Real time data and storage 22 3 5 Overview of configuration settings 22 3 6 Interpretations o...
Page 4: ...iary device configuration 53 6 8 Routed devices 53 6 8 1 Completion of routed port configuration 54 6 9 Instrument setup 54 CHAPTER 7 SmartGuard device menu 56 7 1 Overview of the SmartGuard menu 56 7 2 Recorder 58 7 3 Data Viewer view sensors and parameters 58 7 4 System Status 59 7 4 1 Device Status 60 7 4 2 Communication Status 60 7 4 3 Error Log 60 7 4 4 Power Status 61 7 5 Configuration 61 7 ...
Page 5: ...ction plug for analog sensors 78 Appendix 1 6 Connection plug for AiCaP sensor 79 Appendix 1 7 Connection plug for split sensor arm and mast cable adapter 80 Appendix 1 8 Connection plug forethernet 81 Appendix 1 9 COM5 COM6 connection plugs for RS 232 sensor and controlled power supply for sensor 82 Appendix 1 10 COM7 COM8 connectionplugsforRS 232 422 sensorandcontrolledpowersupplyfor sensor 83 A...
Page 6: ...ptionof the AADISmartGuard CHAPTER 2 givesa descriptionof the SmartGuarddesignandbasics CHAPTER 3 describeshow toget startedwithyourSmartGuard CHAPTER 4 describesSmartGuardconfiguration CHAPTER 5 describesSmartGuardrecording CHAPTER 6 givesa descriptionof how toadd a new sensorto yourSmartGuard system CHAPTER 7 givesa descriptionof the SmartGuarddisplayanditsfunctionality CHAPTER 8 givesa descript...
Page 7: ...bilities AADI Smart Sensors AiCaP Serial sensor channels SR10 VR22 channels Analog channels Digital channels Basic version 5100 20 2 0 3 2 Basic versionwith SR10 VR22 5120 20 2 11 3 2 Extendedversion 5300 20 6 0 6 4 Extendedversionwith SR10 VR22 5320 20 6 11 6 4 Table 0 1 SmartGuard versions IMPORTANT The number of AiCaPsensorsdepends onwhich AiCaPsensor youconnect as the total peak current drain ...
Page 8: ...sor 4100R D 359 X X OxygenOptode 4330 4330F D 378 X X OxygenOptode 4835 D 385 X X OxygenOptode 4831 D 403 X X OxygenOptode 4531 D 404 X X OxygenOptode 3830 D 335 X X OxygenOptode 3835 D 355 X X Pressure sensor 4017 D 357 X X Pressure sensor 4117 D 362 X X Temperature sensor 4050 D 360 X X Temperature sensor 4060 D 363 X X Tide sensor 5217 D 405 X X Tide sensor 5217R D 405 X Turbiditysensor 4112 D ...
Page 9: ...VR22 Digital Windspeedandgust 2740 D 151 X Winddirection 3590 D 300 X Airtemperature 3455 D 276 X AirPressure 2810 D 161A X Solarradiation 2770 D 159 X Netradiation 2811 D 169 X Mira visibility 3544 D 294 X Relative humidity 3445 D 271 X Temperature sensor 3444 D 277 X Rainfall 3864 D 327 X Rainfall 4628 D 408 X Road conditionsensor 3565 D 298 X Road temperature sensor 3304 D 247 X Table 0 3 Aande...
Page 10: ...tupfromup to date PC Software anditisfullyintegratedwithAADIreal time system Featuresof SmartGuard Great flexibility BasicandExtendedversionstohandle airandwatersensors Flexible easyconfigurationandsetupusingPCsoftware XML data recordswithcomplete metadata traceableandwithstatusinfoonindividual parameters Low powerconsumption Easy readable displayand6keyoperatorpanel FullyintegratedwithAADIreal ti...
Page 11: ...tion A typical RoadstationwithSmartGuardusesan AanderaaRoad ConditionSensorsandamast equippedwithairsensors andarainfall sensor A Real Time communicationdevice e g aGPRSmodemprovideson lineconnectiontoa receiving location Automatic WeatherStation AWS A typical AWSinstallationusesanAanderaamastequippedwithair sensorsanda rainfall bucketsensor The SmartGuardcan be installed inside the WeatherStation...
Page 12: ...yfrom the SmartGuarddisplay Youwill need the AADI Real Time Collectorsoftware to connect additional sensorsandtoconfigure systems andsensors SmartGuard isdesignedtointegrate avarietyof sensorsfromsimpleanalogsensorstoadvancedsmart sensors fromAanderaaaswell asfrom3rd party vendors All connectedsensorsmustappearassmart sensorstothe system simple sensorsthatare not smart needstobe givena correct set...
Page 13: ...eploymentSettings SystemConfigurationandUser Maintenance DeploymentSettingsdealswithsettingsconnectedtothe locationandthe particularmeasurements that are to be reorderedfollowingthe setup SystemConfigurationsettingsdealswithsettingsthatare usuallynotchangedbetween deployments recordingsessionslikee g sensoroutputparameter timingforpowercontrol etc UserMaintenance dealswithadvancedsettingsthatare r...
Page 14: ...oppedindividuallyorall together A recordingsessionstartswhenthe firstgroupisstartedandendswhenthe lastone is stopped Anychangesof recordinginterval made directlyinthe recordingpanelcouldthusnotbe keptinthe configurationsession Forthisreasonyoumayalsodisable the optiontochange interval settingsfromthe recorderpanel Youwill thensecure the full integrityof yourdataandconnectedconfiguration 2 2 Real t...
Page 15: ...rial andLAN communicationisnotenabled Toenable these portsandto configure the associatedcommunicationprotocolyouneedtoconnectyourPC runningAADIReal Time collectortothe SmartGuard viaUSB NOTE Whenusingan USB connection you also needto downloadWindowsMobile Device Center Windows Vista and MicrosoftWindows7 or MicrosoftActiveSync WindowsXP or earlieroperating systems WindowsMobile Device CenterandAct...
Page 16: ...onnectthe powercable 11 30V referFigure A 2 inAppendix 1 1 and turn the powerswitchON to power the SmartGuard the instrumentsneedsapproximately30secondstostart Figure 3 1 SmartGuard power switch Note If yourSmartGuardis not initializedand oryouhaveother sensors thanjust AADI Smart sensors AiCaP orwhen you addadditional sensorsto the system at a later time then refer CHAPTER 6 for a descriptionofDe...
Page 17: ...ringto open Selectasensor Pressgreenringto open Youcan inspectthe mostrecentrecordsby usingthe right leftnavigationkeysonthe keypad The numberof availabalerecordsisdefault10 butmay be setto any value between1and 20 inDevice Configuration UserMaintenace Storage Manager History Records referchapter4 3 1 3 2 Viewsettingsand start recording usingthe AADI Real Time Collector ConnectSmartGuardto the PC ...
Page 18: ...nectionusingUSB Figure 3 5 Connection via USB Write a name in the ConnectionNamebox SelectSmartGuardUSBfromthe Port Settingsdrop downmenu PressOpen Port andthe connectiontothe SmartGuard shouldbe establishedwithinafew seconds If notmake sure that WindowsMobile Device Center or MicrosoftActiveSyncis installedonyourPC ...
Page 19: 3 6 Connection via Serial Port Write a name in the ConnectionNamebox SelectSerial Port fromthe Port Settings dropdownmenu Selectthe correctCOM port fromdropdownlist Selectthe baudrate referchapter3 3 PressOK PressOpen Port andthe connectiontothe SmartGuard shouldbe establishedwithinafew seconds If not thencheckthat correct port andport settingsare used ...
Page 20: ...Port andthe connectiontothe SmartGuard shouldbe establishedwithinafew seconds if notthencheck that correctport and port settingsare used 3 2 4 Viewand editsettings usingAADI Real Time Collector OpenControl Panel and selectthe Device Configurationtab referFigure 4 2 PressGet Current Configuration donottickthe Include UserMaintenance box since thisrequire a password referchapter4 3 OpenSystem overvi...
Page 21: ...ionsettings Communicationsettingscanthenbe changedinDevice Configuration UserMaintenance Real TimeServer heading toaccessthe User Maintenaceyouneedtoenterthe password referchapter4 3 Most communicationsettingsshouldnotbe changed Defaultvaluesare settingsforcommunicationwithAADI Real Time Collector Settingsfor serial connection To access thissettingsyouneedtoadda Real Time COMPortinthe Communicatio...
Page 22: ...setting If conflictingwithother systems youcanchange the defaultport61234 for the IPconnection veryrear 3 4 Real time data and storage Data receivedbythe AADIReal Time Collectorare distributedtooverlayingapplicationslikee g AADI s GeoView GeoView store receiveddataina database and offersavarietyof real time displaypanels Optionallydatamayalsobe storedto filesdirectlybythe Collector Thesedatamaybe ...
Page 23: ...x SystemConfiguration Real Time Server Communicationportsettings Enable communicationproperties x x Sensors Enable sensorparameters Setcalculationvalues x x User Maintenance SmartGuard Platform Sleepsettings Displaypowersettings x x Multi Group Recorder Enable debugfile x Real Time Server Communicationport Transmit receive settings File compressionandtransfer x x x Sensors Sensorusermaintenance se...
Page 24: ...n The colour isred at powerupand for about10 seconds Next the LEDgivesa greenflashandthen switchesoff The displayturnsactive afterapproximately10 15seconds Yellow lightindicatesdatatransmission The middleLED describesthe recordingstatus the colourisflashinggreenwhenrecording approximately 1 Hz The upper LED is usedtodescribe the Networkconnection the colourisyellowwhenLAN isenabledand physicallyco...
Page 25: ...sConnecttoopenthe connection OpenControl Panel Recorder Panel and Stop All Groupsrecording Note The configuration cannotbe changed duringa recording session Control panel has4 tabs Recorder Panel to start and stoprecordings set recordinginterval Device Configuration to editsettingsforSmartGuardand connectedsensors Device Layout to specify whichsensorsandotherdevices that are connectedtothe SmartGu...
Page 26: ...tenance referchapter4 3 and Systemoverview You can save currentsettingsto a backup file bypressingSave underthe headingSaveconfigurationtofile Editthe name foryour file andpressSave to save the new configurationtofile in xml formate 4 1 DeploymentSettings Deploymentsettingsdealswithsettingsrelatedtothe locationandthe particularmeasurementsthatare to be reorderedfollowingthe setup OpenDevice Config...
Page 27: ...chnode clickthe value field and type the propertyvalue tomodify PressNext to continue A new window displaysyourchanges PressNext to confirmchanges andto start the update process OpenDevice configuration Deployment Settings SmartGuard Platformto view Site Info Figure 4 4 Deployment settings Figure 4 5 Example of deployment settings SmartGuard Site info ...
Page 28: ...hanging interval shall be allowedfromthe recorderpanel referchapter2 1 PressAdd RemoveSensors to move a sensorto or from thatgroup select the sensor holdanddrag the sensor intothe GroupMembers listor to the AvailableSensorslist Note Sensorsthat are movedfrom one recorder groupmust be placed intoanother group to be recorded Each sensorpresentsitsprocessing time tohelpyousetthe right recordinginterv...
Page 29: ...view editselecteditem The systemconfigurationincludes Properties anddataoptionsfor Real Time Server communication settings Sensorconfigurations 4 2 1 Real Time server OpenDevice Configuration System Configuration Real TimeServer Selectandsetpropertyvalues PressNext to continue Preferred Master SelectCOMPort Onlyto configure the SMARGUARD for remote operation throughthe COM port SelectLANServer Onl...
Page 30: start the update process 4 2 2 Communicationdevice Onlyaccessible if activatedinDeviceLayout Device Layout Communications referchapter6 7and TN363 for more information OpenDevice Configuration System Configuration Selectthe communicationdevice tobe configured Whichsettingsthatappliesdependsonthe selectedprotocol referprotocol description AADI Real Time protocol Selectrecordergroupindex forthe s...
Page 31: ...May 2014 TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL SmartGuard Page 31 Figure 4 11 AADI Pseudo binary Protocol AADI Ascii Protocol Figure 4 12 AADI Additional settings for AADI Ascii Protocol ...
Page 32: ...roperty settings OpenDevice Configuration System Configuration Selectthe sensorfromthe list Each sensorhas a defaultparameter whichcan not be disabled Example Pressure dataare bydefault enabledforthe pressure sensor Youcan selecttoenable disable temperature and raw data readings To disable the pressure data without physicallydisconnectingthe sensor you mustremove the sensorfromthe recordinggroups ...
Page 33: ...des and Sensors SelectRunWizardto start the user maintenance wizardforeach category or configure specific itemsbychoosingfromthe listand selectConfigureinthe lowerpart of the window 4 3 1 Storage Manager OpenStorage Manager In History Record selectthe numberof recordsto be available inthe data viewer In the Root Foldermenuyou may selectthe maximumnumberof sessionstobe storedonthe SD card Each time...
Page 34: ...ettings for serial sensors Refer Table 6 2 for user maintenancesettings for analogsensors Refer Table 6 3 for user maintenancesettings for Digital Rainfall sensors Refer Table 6 4 for user maintenancesettings for Digital Frequencysensors Refer Table 6 5 for user maintenancesettings for Digital Logicsensors Refer Table 6 6 for user maintenancesettings for AADI SR10 VR22 sensors ...
Page 35: ...ermode sleep inordertoconserve power When batteryoperatedthisisusuallythe singlemostimportantkeytosustainlongoperatingtime Consequently the choice of interval mustbe tradedagainstlengthof deploymentorchargingcapacityin e g a solar panel equippedsystem There are currentlynopowercalculations embeddedorstandalone forSmartGuarddue to the high degree of complexityassociatedwiththe large flexibilityof a...
Page 36: ... sensor to the lower AiCaPconnectoron the SmartGuard The connected cable mustbe terminatedin the sensor end Place AiCaPterminationplug0975318 in the upper AiCaPconnector on the SmartGuard If two AiCaPcables Both connectedcables must be terminated inthe sensorend WhenconnectingSerial sensors SR10 VR22 sensors Analogsensors Digital sensors and modems auxiliarydevicestothe SmartGuard the device ident...
Page 37: ...o add new sensors modemoredit existinglayout Referchapters6 2 to 6 5 for a descriptionof layoutfor differenttype of sensorsand modem Serial sensor SR10 VR22 sensor Analogsensor Digital sensor Communication Routing 6 2 Serial sensors Whenaddinga new serial sensor youmustcarefullyconsiderthe sensordataformat If the data formatslistalreadycontainsafile formatthatfitsthe actual sensordatastream thenyo...
Page 38: ...textline transmittedfromthe sensoracorrespondingdataformat definitionmustbe createdonthe SmartGuardusingthe New CustomData Format dialog referFigure 6 3 The format musthave a unique name andmustbe storedinthe layout If two or more sensorshappento have equal formatfortheirtransmitteddatathe same data format can be appliedtoboth PredefinedMessage Components referFigure 6 4 are arrangedin the same se...
Page 39: ...ange elementsbyselect drag and drop withinthe listbox IMPORTANT Refer the data formatdescriptionon page 38 for more detailsin arrangingthe elements Whenthe complete message is defined Pressthe OK buttonsave the data formatwhenthe complete message isdefined PressCancel to discardyour changes The Example messagefieldinthe bottomof the window showsan example stringusingthe current setting 6 2 2 Seria...
Page 40: settobe continuouslypoweredif thisisrequiredforaproperoperation PressAddbelow the listof serial sensors referFigure 6 2 and enterserial sensorinformation as showninFigure 6 5 To editan existingsensorlayout Selectthe sensorfromthe list PressEdit below the listof serial sensorstoeditexisting layout Note Some changesin the layoutwill change the sensors identityandhence the sensor mustbe reconfigur...
Page 41: ...iption UserMaintenance holdspropertiesnecessarytooperate the sensorinaccordance withthe waythe userhas chosento apply the actual sensor openDevice Configurationtab checkIncludeUserMaintenanceand pressGetCurrent ConfigurationthenpressEdit in the User Maintenance heading selectthe actual sensorinthe sensor listandpressConfigure Selected ReferFigure 6 7User Maintenace sensorFigure 6 7andTable 6 1 for...
Page 42: ...nsorisready MinumumPoweroff Time ms Setvalue forminimumtime powerneedstobe off before repowered Enable SoftStart Enable SoftStart to increase powerslowlytofull powersetting SoftStart Time ms Type the time neededforsoftstart SensorSessionSettings Enable SessionControl Checkto enable sessioncontrol Start up Command Type a command to be transmittedaftereachpowerup Start up Time ms Time requiredforthe...
Page 43: ...oughthe Analog1 and Analog2 connectorson the Basic andExtendedpartsof SmartGuard respectively ReferAppendix 1for connectorpinout details Each analog channel hasan inputrange of 0 to 5V where the digitizedrange is24 bits Scalingto desiredunitsisspecifiedinthe User Maintenance section The raw digitizedvalue 224 5 bit Volt can be scaledandlinearizedusingone or two3rd order polynomialasshowninthe figu...
Page 44: ...ber and selectanappropriate iconfromthe drop down list PressOK to complete orCancel to exit withoutupdatingchanges PressAddin the Channelsheadingtoopena dialogwhere youcanadd the AD channel on whichthe sensorisconnected orpressEdit to change existingchannel In the Edit Channel dialog Selectthe Channel Number fromthe dropdownlist on whichthe actual signal isconnected Referthe pinoutof the connector...
Page 45: ...ecordinginterval If time seriesisenabled configurationsettings maximum63 firstvalueswill be availableforreadout Checkdesiredoutput Average MinMaxandTimeSeries The latterwill include statisticsintothe recordeddataset Addthe sensorto the correct recordinggroup referchapter4 1 1 Table 6 2 User Maintenance settings for Analog sensor Property Comment Mandatory Node description Type a description Defaul...
Page 46: ... Fall sensorwhichisa tippingbucketcounterinput Frequencyinputinthe range as validforthe selectedchannel The frequencyinputcanbe scaledand linearizedusinga3rd orderpolynomial inthe UserMaintenance sectionbelow Coefficientsare providedbythe sensormanufacturerorequal calibration The raw value isin Hz pulsesprsecond The Logical parametersare Level whichis1 true forhighlevel inputsignal Low Edge whichi...
Page 47: ... associate with the actual value provided Type the actual sensorsserial number and selectanappropriate iconfromthe drop down list PressAddin the Channelsheadingtoopena dialogwhere youcanadd Digital channel on whichthe sensorisconnected orpressEdit to change existingchannel In the Edit Channel dialog Selectthe Channel Number fromthe dropdown list onwhichthe actual signal isconnected Refer the pinou...
Page 48: ...te value inaccordance withmanufacturer sspecification inorder to doripple filteringonthe signal Calculations Unit Setthe Unitfor the scaled linearizedvalue e g mm Range Min Setthe Range Min forthe scaled linearizedvalue Range Max Setthe Range Max for the scaled linearizedvalue Unit Pulse Type the scalingUnit Pulse accordingtothe manufacturer s calibration e g 0 2mm pulse Table 6 4 User Maintenance...
Page 49: ... Error Bookmark not defined The signalsare connectedtoChannel 1 through11 by the cable layoutand the usermustkeeptrack of whichparameterappearsonwhichchannel All actual SR10 and VR22 sensorsare preconfiguredinSmartGuard The useronlyneedstotell which channel toread and the actual sensorsserial number All SR10 VR22 sensorsare powercontrolledasone unitwhichimpliesthatthose sensorscannotbe distributed...
Page 50: ...uration 6 5 2 CompletionofSR10 VR22 sensorconfiguration PerformsensorUsermaintenancesettings Referchapter4 3 fora shortdescription UserMaintenance holdsparametersnecessarytooperate the sensorinaccordance withthe waythe userhas chosento applythe actual sensor openDeviceConfigurationtab checkIncludeUser Maintenanceand pressEdit inthe User Maintenance heading ReferTable 6 6for a descriptionof setting...
Page 51: ... forthe scaled linearizedvalue Range Max Setthe Range Max for the scaled linearizedvalue Coefficients Setcoefficients 6 6 Communication set real time COM port OpenCommunicationinthe Device Layout If the COMport isalreadydefined press Edit to view orchange settings If the COMport isn tdefined pressAdd below the listof real timeCOMports referFigure 6 18 EnterCOM port descriptionandselectactual Smart...
Page 52: ...S source you mustspecify whichone to read Ref User Maintenance SmartGuardPlatform Example of PseudoBinary output AZ A UUUUu Wsxt R ABA vuBByZpaCP PGQDBrKS uCBE syAf C P CLOgEB kLJm poD The outputis ASCIIcompliantbinarycodeddataforuse in satellitecommunication Example of ASCII output 5100 16 2011 11 15T12 47 20Z 5 68 220596 184 589996 1406 700073 41 680000 83 699997 372 000000 11 890541 15171584 60...
Page 53: ...iesnecessarytooperate the device inaccordance withthe waythe userhas chosentoapplythe actual device openDeviceConfiguration tab checkIncludeUser Maintenanceand pressEdit inthe User Maintenance heading Referdevice operatingmanual fora descriptionof settings PerformSystemConfiguration Whichsettingsthatappliesdependsonthe selectedprotocol refer protocol description PressEdit inthe SystemConfiguration...
Page 54: ... device like COMportsettingsandchannel andmessage settings openDeviceConfigurationtab check IncludeUser Maintenanceand pressEdit inthe User Maintenance heading Referdevice operating manual for a descriptionof settings 6 9 Instrument setup Instrument Setupholdsinformationaboutthe Instrument layoutandLAN settings PressEdit below the InstrumentSetup headingtoopenthe instrumentlayout Note Instrumentse...
Page 55: ...TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL SmartGuard Page 55 PressEdit below the LANSettings headingto openthe LAN layout Selectdynamicorstatic IPaddress PressAdvancedSettings to view more LAN information Figure 6 24 LAN settings ...
Page 56: ...pcurrent recordingsessions Setrecordinginterval if enabledduring Configuration If the recorderisrunningaredspotwill show at the icon Data Viewer View recordeddata mostrecentandup to 8 previousreadings Numberof recordingsin currentsessionisdisplayedonthe icon SystemStatus Battery Communication EventlogandMemory Numberof errors and warningsduring the current sessionisdisplayedonthe icon Configuratio...
Page 57: ... middle partof the bottomline displays whenapplicable the actionpossible forthe currentmenu selectionandthe keytopressto execute To the right on the bottomline the followingstatusinformationisdisplayedinall screens Yellow triangle if awarningisissued Redcircle witha white crossif an error is issued A recordericon A reddot ispresentonthe icon if recordingisactive a greendotisflashedwhena recordingt...
Page 58: ...val IMPORTANT Whena recording sessionisstarted inone or all groups recordingstarts on the nearest alignablepointintime dependingon the specifiedinterval e g 5 minutesinterval are alignedto hh 0 hh 5 hh 10 etc Whenyou set a new recordinginterval the valueis not stored until the recorder is started If you changethe recording interval and restarts SMARGUARD withoutstatinga recording SmartGuardwill re...
Page 59: ...navigationkeytoscroll to lessrecentvaluesandthe leftkeytomove backto more recentvalues If a new recordinghappenswhile inspectingthe datathe viewedrecordwill be updatedsince the displayisonthe selectedindex relativetothe mostrecentdata 7 4 SystemStatus System Status accessesstatusinformationaboutSmartGuarddevice the communicationchannel s power supplyandconsumptionaswell asa logwhere events warning...
Page 60: ...4 3 Error Log The Error Log holdsa record of incidentsthatcan be of importance whensearchingforcausesof unpredictedsystem behaviorandcustomersupport If an erroror warningoccurs the contentin the Infolistmay be readout to supplyadditional informationtosolve the case Informationmessagescanusuallybe ignoredbythe useras longas no errorsor warningsare present ReferFigure 7 10 for an illustrationof aner...
Page 61: ...move up and downin the list 7 5 Configuration Openthe Configurationmenutoview the currentconfiguration readonly Note Connectto AADI Real TimeCollectorto edit the configuration referCHAPTER 4 The Configurationmenushowsthe same categoriesasthe control panel DeploymentSettings System Configurationand User Maintenance Navigate toeachcategory andpressthe greenringto view the currentconfiguration Note F...
Page 62: ...ystem Configurationshowsserial portsettingsforthe communicationserverandincoming communicationandsensorconfigurations 7 6 Tools The Tools menugivesaccesstoserial numberandversionnumberforhardware andsoftware thatcomprise the SmartGuard system includingsensors ThismenualsoholdsLAN settings Date andtime settingscanbe changedinthismenu referchapter7 6 3 Use the up downnavigationkeystoselecteachiteman...
Page 63: ...tionandLAN settings 7 6 2 SensorInfo The Sensor List menushowshardware andsoftware identificationforconnectedsensorsinthe currentSmartGuard system View more sensordetailsbyselectingandopena sensor navigate usingthe up downkeys Pressgreenringto open Figure 7 17 Device Info Figure 7 18 Sensor List Figure 7 19 Example of sensor information ...
Page 64: ...nd time Note Pressingthe right navigationkeywhen positionedin the date field the highlightismovedto the hourfield at the beginningofthe second line 7 7 SD card storage and exchange The Storage menupresentsthe total andthe available storage capacityof the SD card Navigate to Card removal and exchange using the up down key Press green ring to safely remove exchange the SD card IMPORTANT The SD card ...
Page 65: ...f chartviewer 8 1 Text Viewer Pressthe TextViewericoninthe AADIReal TimeCollectormainwindow to openthe textviewer Text viewersettingsare locatedin the leftpart ofthe window Connection Notinuse whenthe TextViewerisopenedfromthe Collector Recorder Group selectall orindividual SmartGuardrecordinggroupdatatoview Stylesheet The selectedstylesheetdeterminesthe layoutof the view Newstylesheetsmaybe added...
Page 66: ... the X and Y axis Itis possible todisplayuptothree dataseries on the Y axis SelectIncludethecurrent messagebuffer or Discard the currentmessagebuffer PressOK to save the settingsandopen the chart window The chart isautomaticallyupdatedas new data messagesarrive Figure 8 5 The chart window Right click the chart to bring up a chart options menu Figure 8 3 Chart viewer Figure 8 4 Create a new chart v...
Page 67: on SD card Recordeddatacan be storedon an SD card insertedonthe frontpanel of SmartGuard Selecttostore recordeddata inthe Multi GroupRecorder panel referchapter4 1 1 SmartGuard storesone data file foreachrecordingsessionandeachrecordinggroup Tosubsequentlyview and analyse the recordeddatause AADIReal Time Data FormatConvertertoconvertthe data file s into excel formatanduse Excel The data f...
Page 68: ...unt PressAdd inthe FTP Usersheadingandassigna user name andpassword to the account referFigure 8 6 PressSettingsin the ServerStatusheadingto configure the FTPserver Usuallythe default settingscanremainunchanged referFigure 8 7 Enable Start FTPserverautomaticallyif youwant thisfeature tobe available all the time PressOK and thenpressStart Server Figure 8 6 Add FTP Users account Figure 8 7 Settings ...
Page 69: a minor change in the defaultconfigurationof IE OpenInternetExplorer In the Toolsmenu selectInternetOptions In the new dialog selectthe Advancedtab In the settingslist there isasub sectioncalledBrowsing One of the lastentriesinthissectionis Use Passive FTP Note Make sure that this checkbox isun checked ClickOKto store the settings You shouldnow be able touse IE as FTP andalso use IE spossibilit...
Page 70: ...SmartGuard Wait forLED to switchfromred to green Release the redandgreenbutton retrypreviousstepif greenLEDgoesOFF Pressand release greenbuttononly The image isnow beinginstalled the yellow LEDisblinkinguntil installationiscomplete approximately3minutes Repressgreenbuttonif the yellow blinkingdoesnotstart checkSD card if red LED is blinking COM1 and COM2 cablesmaydisturbinstallationof new image di...
Page 71: ...tGuardconnectors IMPORTANT Refer page Error Bookmarknotdefined foran overview ofall SmartGuardcableconnections SmartGuardextensionversion 5300 and5320 is equippedwith 1 more analogconnector 1 more digital connector and4 more COM connectionscomparedto the standard versions 5100 and 5120 Figure A 1 The SmartGuard extended version connection plugs ...
Page 72: ...ppendix 1 1 Plug for device power Figure A 2 4 pin M12 power plug Refer Table A 2 for signal wiring Table A 1 Signal wiring 4pin M12 for device power Wiring Signal Description 1 External powerGND 2 External powerGND 3 External power 11 30V DC 4 External power 5 Notconnected ...
Page 73: ...ption 1 SensorPWR out Controlledpowerforsensor 10V Max 2 A total forall SensorPWR 2 SensorPWR out 3 SensorpowerGND Notto be physicallygrounded 4 SensorpowerGND 5 Notconnected Table A 3 Signal wiring 9pin D sub connection plug for RS 232 sensor Wiring Signal RS 232 Description 1 donot use 2 Rx Serial inputtoSmartGuard 3 Tx Serial outputfromSmartGuard 4 donot use 5 SensorpowerGND Internallyconnected...
Page 74: outputfromSmartGuard 4 Tx 5 SensorpowerGND InternallyconnectedtoM12 pin3 4 Notto be physically grounded 6 Notconnected 7 Notconnected 8 Notconnected 9 SensorPWR out InternallyconnectedtoM12 pin1 2 Max 0 5A TerminatingresistorR 120 ohmmust be mountedinthe cable connectorbetweenRx andRx pin2 and 1 inorder to have a properline terminationasdesiredbythe RS 422 specification AADIcablesforSmartGuard ...
Page 75: ... 5 and Table A 6 for signal wiring Table A 5 Signal wiring 4pin M12 connection plug for modem power Wiring Signal Description 1 Modemor Sensorpower Software selectable Controlledpowerformodemorsensor GND not to be physicallygrounded Outputvoltage Selecteitherof ModemPWR equalsactual PWR input diode drop Max 2 5 A SensorPWR 10V Max 2 A total for all SensorPWR 2 3 ModempowerGND 4 5 Notconnected ...
Page 76: ...Wiring Signal RS 232 Description 1 DCD Inputsignal toSmartGuard 2 Rx Serial inputtoSmartGuard 3 Tx Serial outputfromSmartGuard 4 DTR Outputsignal fromSmartGuard 5 Modemor SensorpowerGND InternallyconnectedtoM12 pin3 4 6 DSR Inputsignal toSmartGuard 7 RTS Ouputsignal fromSmartGuard 8 CTS Inputsignal toSmartGuard 9 RI Inputsignal toSmartGuard ...
Page 77: ...for digital sensor Wiring Signal Description 1 Digital in1 0 10V input max 5 kHz 2 Digital out1 0 10V output Max 1A AddstoSensorPWR total 3 Notconnected 4 Digital out2 0 10V output Max 1A AddstoSensorPWR total 5 Digital in2 Ref pin9 ReferNote 6 Digital in1 Ref pin1 7 Digital out1 Ref pin2 8 Digital out2 Ref pin4 9 Digital in2 Differential Optoinsulated max 0 5 kHz ReferNote Note Max 20V relativeto...
Page 78: ...rGND Analog1 Ref pin5 Notto be physicallygrounded 5 Sensorpower Analog1 Controlled 10V Max 1A Addsto SensorPWR total 6 Sensorpower Analog2 Controlled 10V Max 1A Addsto SensorPWR total 7 SensorpowerGND Analog3 Ref pin8 Notto be physicallygrounded 8 Sensorpower Analog3 Controlled 10V Max 1A Addsto SensorPWR total 9 AnalogIn1 Ref pin1 10 AnalogIn2 Ref pin2 11 AnalogIn3 Ref pin3 12 SensorpowerGND Anal...
Page 79: ...wiring 8pin M12 connection plug for AiCaP sensor Wiring Signal Description 1 CAN_L CAN signal ComplianttoCAN standard 2 NCG1 NCR andNCE signal ground 3 NCR Node CommunicationRequest input 4 AiCaPpower PowerforAiCaPbus output 10V Max 2A 5 AiCaPpowerGND PowerreturnforAiCaPbus 6 NCG2 NCR andNCE signal ground 7 CAN_H CAN signal ComplianttoCAN standard 8 NCE Node CommunicationEnable output ...
Page 80: ...0 Signal wiring 17pin M12 connection plug for split sensor arm and mast cable adaptor Wiring Signal Description 1 9V Powerreturnforsensors AddstoSensorPWR total 2 SystemGround Poweroutputforsensors AddstoSensorPWR total 3 Notconnected 4 Control Voltage 5 Bridge Ground 6 Bridge Voltage 7 Channel 12 8 Channel 11 9 Channel 10 10 Channel 9 11 Channel 8 12 Channel 7 13 Channel 6 14 Channel 5 15 Channel...
Page 81: ...connection plug Refer Table A 11 for signal wiring Table A 11 Signal wiring RJ45 connection plug for Ethernet Wiring Signal Description 1 Tx Output 2 Tx Output 3 Rx Input 4 Notused terminated 5 Notused terminated 6 Rx Input 7 Notused terminated 8 Notused terminated LAN cable shouldbe shielded CAT5or higher 8 1 ...
Page 82: ...1 SensorPWR out Controlledpowerforsensor 10V Max 2 A total forall SensorPWR 2 SensorPWR out 3 SensorpowerGND Notto be physicallygrounded 4 SensorpowerGND 5 Notconnected Table A 13 Signal wiring 9pin D sub connection plug for RS 232 sensor Wiring Signal RS232 Description 1 notconnected 2 Rx Serial inputtoSmartGuard 3 Tx Serial outputfromSmartGuard 4 notconnected 5 SensorpowerGND Internallyconnected...
Page 83: ...escription 1 SensorPWR out Controlledpowerforsensor 10V Max 2 A total forall SensorPWR 2 SensorPWR out 3 SensorpowerGND Notto be physicallygrounded 4 SensorpowerGND 5 Notconnected Table A 15 Signal wiring 9pin D sub connection plug for RS 232 sensor Wiring Signal RS232 Description 1 donot use 2 Rx Serial inputtoSmartGuard 3 Tx Serial outputfromSmartGuard 4 donot use 5 SensorpowerGND Internallyconn...
Page 84: ...ial outputfromSmartGuard 4 Tx 5 SensorpowerGND InternallyconnectedtoM12 pin3 4 Notto be physically grounded 6 Notconnected 7 Notconnected 8 Notconnected 9 SensorPWR out InternallyconnectedtoM12 pin1 2 Max 0 5A TerminatingresistorR 120 ohmmust be mountedinthe cable connectorbetweenRx andRx pin2 and 1 inorder to have a properline terminationasdesiredbythe RS422 specification AADIcablesforSmartGuard ...
Page 85: ...9pin D sub connection plug for digital sensor Wiring Signal Description 1 Digital in3 0 10V input max 6 kHz 2 Digital out3 0 10V output Max 1A AddstoSensorPWR total 3 Notconnected 4 Digital out4 0 10V output Max 1A AddstoSensorPWR total 5 Digital in4 Ref pin9 6 Digital in3 Ref pin1 7 Digital out3 Ref pin2 8 Digital out4 Ref pin4 9 Digital in4 Differential Optoinsulated max 1 kHz Digital in 3 schem...
Page 86: ...werGND Analog4 Ref pin5 Notto be physicallygrounded 5 Sensorpower Analog4 Controlled 10V Max 1A Addsto SensorPWR total 6 Sensorpower Analog5 Controlled 10V Max 1A Addsto SensorPWR total 7 SensorpowerGND Analog6 Ref pin8 Notto be physicallygrounded 8 Sensorpower Analog6 Controlled 10V Max 1A Addsto SensorPWR total 9 AnalogIn4 Ref pin1 10 AnalogIn5 Ref pin2 11 AnalogIn6 Ref pin3 12 SensorpowerGND An...
Page 87: ...rforsensor modem free end 3rd party RS 232 sensors modem Serial PWR 0975183 Modem sensorRS 232withfree end 3rd party RS 232 sensors RS 232 0975317 Modem sensorRS 422withfree end 3rd party RS 422 sensors RS 422 0975275 RS 232 d subto10 pin lemo VentedsensorRS 232 RS 232 0975302 RS 422 d subto10 pin lemo VentedsensorRS 422 RS 422 0975389 Rs 232 d subto8 pin Subconn 3rd party RS 232 sensors Rs 232 09...
Page 88: ...Page 88 May 2014 TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL SmartGuard 5100 5120 5300 5320 Table A 19 SmartGuard cables ...
Page 89: ...May 2014 TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL SmartGuard Page 89 Appendix 3 Example of a SmartGuard hyd met system Figure A 14 Example of SmartGuard hyd met system ...
Page 90: ...Page 90 May 2014 TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL SmartGuard 5100 5120 5300 5320 Figure A 15 Example of a SmartGuard hyd met system with bottom frame mooring and current profiler ...
Page 91: ...ata Instruments AS P O Box34Slåtthaug Nesttunbrekka97 N 5851Bergen Norway Tel 47 55 60 48 00 Fax 47 55 60 48 01 email aadi info xyleminc com www aadi no Aanderaa Data Instruments AS is a trademark of Xylem Inc or one of its subsidiaries 2011 Xylem Inc October 2012 ...