P. 111
nanobox | tangerine User Manual
Dec 11, 2023
There are two main differences between options for modulating pad parameters and for
modulating the Delay and Reverb effects:
■ Each pad has its own FX1 and FX2 send levels, but the Delay and Reverb effects
themselves are configured with a single set of parameters, which are part of the preset.
They are not affected by changes you might make to any of the pads, but they are
affected if you load another preset after changing them.
■ The Delay and Reverb effects only support modulation by MIDI sources (Mod-wheel,
Pitch-wheel, Volume, and Pan) sent over the MIDI GlobIn channel.
Configuring MIDI Controllers for Effects Modulation
The Delay and Reverb effects only support modulation by MIDI sources (Mod-wheel, Pitch-
wheel, Volume, and Pan) sent over the MIDI GlobIn channel, which is also used for playing
the pads from specific MIDI notes.
Before configuring Delay or Reverb modulation, configure your MIDI controller to match
the tangerine’s MIDI configuration.
On the tangerine, check the MIDI In parameters of each pad and note the channels
assigned to each pad.
Make sure the tangerine’s MIDI GlobIn parameter is not the same as any of the pad
MIDI In channels:
Open the Pads Home page, then push the Left Arrow button. The nanobox
Configuration page opens.
Scroll down to the MIDI GlobIn parameter.
Set the MIDI GlobIn parameter to any MIDI channel that is not assigned to a pad
or set it to Omni.
When MIDI GlobIn is set to Omni, the tangerine accepts MIDI messages on
any of the 16 channels, excluding any channels that have been assigned to individual
pads through their MIDI In parameter. For details, see Global MIDI Parameters.
Make sure your controller’s MIDI output is physically connected to the tangerine’s
MIDI In port.
Set the MIDI controller’s channel to match the channel specified by the tangerine’s
MIDI GlobIn parameter.
For information about configuring the Delay and Reverb effects, see “Adjust FX 1: Delay
Settings” and “Adjust FX Send Levels” on page 37.